Hey all. I’m GMing a gang of Hawkers who have just finished character and crew creation. I’ll post an actual play report when we’ve finished our first session.
Discussion about where my players might want to start with their criminal endeavors brought up a question. Can a crew gain a crew upgrade (like a library or a gang of rooks) through a score specifically intended to acquire the materials or persons necessary for that upgrade?
It may have sorta been answered in Sean Winslow’s discussion here: https://plus.google.com/108792259001927627388/posts/4P8anuPFeFc. It also pretty heavily relates to his earlier discussion, here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+DuamnFigueroa/posts/9NSHAivGdH1.
Example time (ideal, but still possible): say that crew of Hawkers decides, in order to expand their production, to steal the equipment necessary to create a fully-functioning workshop from a rival gang. If all goes well, they find the Red Sashes’ supplier, knock over their alchemy den, and smuggle the stuff down the river to their lair. They roll well on development, gaining decent hold and coin. (Second Example could be a jailbreak for some friends of friends, who agreed to work for the crew if they’re busted out.)
There’s a big part of me that wants to say: yeah, you have a workshop, now, or an extra gang, but this jars with the rules-as-written (so far) and the idea that upgrades should come from a crew’s experience/growth/etc. It’s analogous to the question about PCs acquiring items from scores. John Harper stated, in the first linked thread, that a PC can gain permanent items through completing a project or through making a series of successful asset roles over time, with an item gained from a score getting an extra tick on a project clock (towards keeping it). Would the same kind of rules treatment work for a crews?
Final note: we are all super excited to start playing! Our group is impressed with the simplicity of the rules and the awesome and terrible things you can do with the setting.