John Harper​, are you planning on making the rules to Blades in the Dark usable under a creative license or some…

John Harper​, are you planning on making the rules to Blades in the Dark usable under a creative license or some…

John Harper​, are you planning on making the rules to Blades in the Dark usable under a creative license or some such. If so, have you decided how you want your work credited? If you haven’t, the I vote for “powered in the dark”

Who wants to play Blades in the Dark with me?

Who wants to play Blades in the Dark with me?

Who wants to play Blades in the Dark with me? If you are reading this, you probably already have a sense of some of my engagement with the system, since I’ve been talking about it a LOT in this community. Do you want to try a G+ Hangout game on Saturday?

Saturday, April 25, from 2-5 CST. If you aren’t one of the first four to sign up, make a note here and I’ll keep you in mind for an alternate.

Experimenting with larger groups and complex plans.

Experimenting with larger groups and complex plans.

Experimenting with larger groups and complex plans.

We’ve got a larger group playing tonight, so I’m going to try to encourage the players to use multiple plans for their score.

Last time I noticed it wasn’t as easy for our large group to settle on a plan. Previously, with our group of three, it just flowed very naturally. We had an even spread across all the playbooks, so I think that contributed to our group not being sure about which plan to go with. (It seems to me that the list of plans very closely match to each playbook style. Lurks want to infiltrate, cutters want to assault, etc etc.)

Tonight I hope combining multiple plans, that interact via the teamwork rules, allowing each playbook to have their moment in the spotlight. Hopefully that will do the trick.

Has anyone gone with multiple plans for a score before? How did it go?

Devil’s bargains! Here are some I offered in the last game, and whether or not the players took them.

Devil’s bargains! Here are some I offered in the last game, and whether or not the players took them.

Devil’s bargains! Here are some I offered in the last game, and whether or not the players took them.

* The Hound was pursued by angry duelist bodyguards on the snow-slicked street. He could drop his very fine rifle for 1d. (NO)

* The crew was trying to blend in, moving through a whaling ship. They could get 1d if they would for certain meet someone the Hound knew from his whaling days. (YES) And I would decide how this past acquaintance felt about him based on the success of the action roll.

* The crew was trying to find hidden treasure in the whaler captain’s quarters. They could get 1d if their magical finding talisman made with very dark magics somehow broke open whether they found the treasure or not. (NO, that thing creeped them out!)

I’ll put more in the comments if I can remember them. What bargains have you offered, and did players take them?

Some other on-the-fly worldbuilding I did in this session:

Some other on-the-fly worldbuilding I did in this session:

Some other on-the-fly worldbuilding I did in this session:

If you want to drink yourself into oblivion, there is a pricey alcohol that is tainted with leviathan blood. It takes your dreams deep in the crushing black.

The lead harpoonist on a whaler had her arm taken by a leviathan. She got another one carved out of bone, covered in glyphs, and she activated it by thrusting it into the eye of a still-living leviathan. Now it works like a normal arm. Also, she rarely shows her teeth, but when she does smile, you can see she’s got scrimshaw on her teeth. It is best not to ask why. Her aura and shadow is writhing and deep with the massive lives she’s taken.

When the leviathan hunting ships are in port, whispers wearing bone masks with only one eye hole roam the killing floor and the rest of the ship with their long wands, spooling up death energies and the raging spirits of slain demon whales. This cleansing has to happen each port of call. If you skip it, the death energy builds and horrible, horrible things happen aboard the ship.

The killing floor on the top deck of the ship has a gummy layer of leviathan blood on it. Bits of bone and higher bits of metal are not covered, so walking across the weirdly soundless gummy mat is like treading on a starfield.

Corpses lost in the canals have their energy woven through the waters. These traces of energy and awareness and despairing rage clutch at anything that falls under the surface. If enough death builds in a canal, something slimy carries it out.

Snow flares and dies as it blows through the electroplasm fences around the city. You can see a light show in the shape of the wind, and even the snow, which is the death of clouds, is swept into nothingness by their energy.

There is a forbidden magical practice called Second Death Hogs. Before electroplasm was harnessed, and spirit energies destroyed, whispers would banish spirits into hogs. Then they would kill the possessed hog, and the second death would take. These Second Death hogs are now illegal to make, but their almost-human and haunted flesh can provide powerful magical materials.

Isn’t that fun?

I have no idea what the “Path of Echoes” will be when the book is done.

I have no idea what the “Path of Echoes” will be when the book is done.

I have no idea what the “Path of Echoes” will be when the book is done. Still, my group took a -1 faction with them, and asked me who they were.

I said it was an old religion that used to be ancestor worship. They take exception to the electroplasmic destruction, since they believe the destruction of ancestor spirits makes the future a barren dreamscape. Therefore, they resort to sabotage and murder in an attempt to eventually put an end to the practice of ghost dissipation.

So I ran a second session, also doing character and crew creation and two heists.

So I ran a second session, also doing character and crew creation and two heists.

So I ran a second session, also doing character and crew creation and two heists. This time it was three hours total, online no less. What was different?

ESCALATION. Both characters took the “Daring” special ability, and they used it constantly. They also constantly overreached for better results. Even when the dice were poor, they would increase the danger and try again.

WAS IT EASIER FOR THE SECOND GROUP? It’s hard for me to tell from my position, subjectively. Did I go easier on them than I did on the previous group? Well, they had a lot less clocks, but in general they tried plans that were more compact. Maybe? There were less clocks, anyway. I had never played with them before, or they with me, so that changes the dynamic too. I dunno. Also, this was my second time, and I spent half the weekend on G+ analyzing the last session.

Upon reflection, it WAS easier. I focused more on effect clocks and used little or no resistance clocks. I think I was gunshy about the terrible response last time.

I NEED HELP WITH EXPERIENCE. Trying to figure out experience is still difficult for me. I forget how they raise the crew upgrades; I figure it’s in the quickstart somewhere, but there’s overlapping reporting on various elements of downtime and session wrap-up and I don’t know where. I need a reference for how each thing raises, to consult during play, after each heist, and at the end of a session.

NEW BACKGROUND. I added “Whaler” as a background; use that to avoid being nauseated by anything, to know the culture of the sea, to be stone-faced in the midst of slaughter, and so on.

I still don’t feel like I’ve got a really good grasp on everything, but this adventure went a lot smoother than the last one, and these players want to try again.

For people who’ve run this on Roll20, what have you done for Character sheets?  I’m considering having them in the…

For people who’ve run this on Roll20, what have you done for Character sheets?  I’m considering having them in the…

For people who’ve run this on Roll20, what have you done for Character sheets?  I’m considering having them in the Map layer to put text over them but I’m not remembering if players can put text in.



Ok. I read the Quickstart. I liked lot of things (also, layout and graphics). However I feel it like it isn’t a full role play game, more like a tabletop tactic game without a map. Detailed procedural rules, highlights of missions and downtime. However, this can be viewed as a weakness: the main thing I disliked was the special abilities of the different playbooks. Very bland. Almost all of them are bonuses related to the procedures. I didn’t feel that wonder, that excitement I felt when I read Apocalypse World and Dungeon World for the first time. There, I said: these “talents” are freaking cool. I WANT to play this playbook.

In Blades, I see them like pawns of a tabletop game. Almost all the same, just minor differences for differentiate a little the “red player” from the “blue player” from the “yellow player” and so on.