I’m starting to get serious interest from my player group, but a common theme I’m hearing is “where is the setting…

I’m starting to get serious interest from my player group, but a common theme I’m hearing is “where is the setting…

I’m starting to get serious interest from my player group, but a common theme I’m hearing is “where is the setting info?”. Which is good because they’ve taken the hook, but I’m worried I won’t be able to set it with what’s in v5. I know the full game will have more robust setting coverage, but is there more info about Duskwall and the islands online somewhere? Will more be coming out soonish?

I just saw someone post “bitd” as an acronym, and I was all confused.

I just saw someone post “bitd” as an acronym, and I was all confused.

I just saw someone post “bitd” as an acronym, and I was all confused. Turns out “Blades in the Dark” and “Back in the Day” have the same acronym.

John Harper  – Is the following from your Jan update still accurate?

John Harper  – Is the following from your Jan update still accurate?

John Harper  – Is the following from your Jan update still accurate?

“Following in February I’ll begin sending out backer surveys to collect your information for shipping and other details. I’ll also send out instructions to everyone who’s getting a portrait and to the Overlord backers to coordinate on their custom factions.”

Yeah, I know I might be coming across as pushy/annoying so please forgive me – I’m just so anxious for the final product 🙂

John Harper, I was wondering what the scope of social obstacles are.

John Harper, I was wondering what the scope of social obstacles are.

John Harper, I was wondering what the scope of social obstacles are.

As in, when the players face a particularly smooth talker, who insists they stay at the table and play cards. Can you ask the players to make a resistance roll? And if they fail are they bound to the result burning wheel style?

Do the rules assume that anyone can be swayed eventually (multiple clocks) or can the GM say that it’s an impossible task.

I’ve been thinking about the turf map on the crew sheet and I’m wondering if it’d reskin nicely to, say, a tech tree…

I’ve been thinking about the turf map on the crew sheet and I’m wondering if it’d reskin nicely to, say, a tech tree…

I’ve been thinking about the turf map on the crew sheet and I’m wondering if it’d reskin nicely to, say, a tech tree like you get in most RTS or 4X games. I don’t really have a good sense of what you’d do with it or who you’d play – maybe shadowrun-type corporate spies racing for the latest technological advances or ancient tribes trying to master fire and wheels before the other guys.

I’ve got another Greater KC Game Day coming up in March.

I’ve got another Greater KC Game Day coming up in March.

I’ve got another Greater KC Game Day coming up in March. THIS time I can run Blades in the Dark. I wasn’t willing to do so before, because if people fell in love with it they couldn’t get a copy, and that’s awful. But now there’s an early access version, so I can point people to that.

I plan to do gangs for the morning session, and then start the afternoon session with making a crew. That way if I have any of the same players for both, they can continue seamlessly, and if I have change-up then I don’t have to worry about membership turnover in the crew.

Need some inspiration for leviathan hunter slang?

Need some inspiration for leviathan hunter slang?

Need some inspiration for leviathan hunter slang? Managed to find this interesting little list in the Royal Naval archives.

Personal Favourite:

To marry the gunner’s daughter – “An old naval expression meaning to be laid over a gun to receive a thrashing.”


It occurs to me how DIFFERENT the experience of the early adopters will be, from the experience of those who get the…

It occurs to me how DIFFERENT the experience of the early adopters will be, from the experience of those who get the…

It occurs to me how DIFFERENT the experience of the early adopters will be, from the experience of those who get the book. One of the stylistic features of the quickstart was it sketched a setting suggestion for the game group to fill in. It sounds like the final book will be much more filled in.

I like both styles. I think when people get the book they’ll have the choice game groups generally face presented with a more fleshed out setting; whether they’ll go Alternate Universe and cherry pick what’s in the book, or whether they’ll use it as a support for their campaign, as a trellis supports a rose bush.

I think there’s a useful third path that could be considered. What if the book offered a sketch of another place in the world? A place that had all the ambiguity of the quickstart, that could be fleshed out, and where the rules of supernatural activity and so on could operate differently as the table group decided (without contradicting what goes on in Duskwall)?

The book could say “Here’s Duskwall with neighborhoods and detail and so on. Now here’s a colony, across the Ink Sea some distance, with its own funky thing going on. Improvise the hell out of it.” Keep the new undefined setting to 3-5 pages.

I feel like that could be a way to offer both styles in one book. Just a thought.