So the Whisper’s friends include someone who in combat is equal to 40 people, and demon who can presumably break…

So the Whisper’s friends include someone who in combat is equal to 40 people, and demon who can presumably break…

So the Whisper’s friends include someone who in combat is equal to 40 people, and demon who can presumably break normal people in half? Has anyone had to deal with that imbalance in scale in play, and what did you do?

One of my whispers picked Scurlock as his enemy, and he’s actually become the big bad the group is dealing with right now, and Setarra hasn’t come up yet. My other group’s whisper has Seterra as an enemy and Scurlock as just a normal ally, but again, neither has come up yet.

Question about the cataclysm: Did that happen recently (still “normal” people (Non-immortal emperor) around who are…

Question about the cataclysm: Did that happen recently (still “normal” people (Non-immortal emperor) around who are…

Question about the cataclysm: Did that happen recently (still “normal” people (Non-immortal emperor) around who are witness) or is the some myth from 1000 years ago?

My guess: Second one, but are there any more infos somewhere?

John Harper, could we use something like this for the Crew Claims sheet?

John Harper, could we use something like this for the Crew Claims sheet?

John Harper, could we use something like this for the Crew Claims sheet?

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the graphic design and Layout of the current Claims box, but this seems intriguing somehow, the Hexes giving 6 possible ‘portals’ for each claim. Plus the randomising factor for selecting a particular claim for heists, attacks, consequences etc.

There is also the possibility of having a Doskvol overlay, for particular districts for example. The map faded as an underneath layer.

Originally shared by Ben Milton

The Real-ish Greg Gorgonmilk , you’d be interested in this.

I had a “ur doin it wrong” realization last game – I haven’t been enforcing the Training limitation where your Crew…

I had a “ur doin it wrong” realization last game – I haven’t been enforcing the Training limitation where your Crew…

I had a “ur doin it wrong” realization last game – I haven’t been enforcing the Training limitation where your Crew needs to actually have the upgrade for whatever attribute you’re training.

When it came up, I said “and we’re not going to start now”, but we had momentum to keep at the time and since we’d already been saying a training downtime gives you essentially a wildcard XP, I didn’t feel it’d be fair to my players who were recovering and doing LTPs to lock them down now.

That said, what are some benefits for you know, actually using the rules here? 🙂 Is it simply more widgets to spend upgrades on? Keep PCs’ mechanical weak spots weaker for longer (WRT resistance rolls and vice and such)? I mean, it looks like there’s plenty to spend crew upgrades on but we haven’t been playing all that long either. Maybe it goes fast.

This book might come in handy for players looking to get the feel of heist action just right.

This book might come in handy for players looking to get the feel of heist action just right.

This book might come in handy for players looking to get the feel of heist action just right… So long as they remember that the planning already happened!

Originally shared by Adam “Bison Court” D

Oh my. I must have it.

The talk about downtime always makes me think of freeforms I helped run.

The talk about downtime always makes me think of freeforms I helped run.

The talk about downtime always makes me think of freeforms I helped run. Could this game be used as a freeform? Obviously you’d have multiple factions and group the players. The book factions might be NPCs so occasionally you don’t have PVP. But the engagement and flashback mechanic quite suit the improv nature of freeform (for non Aussies, it’s a form of LARP but without any physical component. Combat is rules based)

One of the things I like about Blades is as a GM I’m totally comfortable giving Downtime Actions to characters who…

One of the things I like about Blades is as a GM I’m totally comfortable giving Downtime Actions to characters who…

One of the things I like about Blades is as a GM I’m totally comfortable giving Downtime Actions to characters who miss sessions. It takes the sting out of missing and provides more avenues to drive the fiction. I’m looking for opinions on how many Actions players get.

Caveat: I have a tendency to be a stingy bastard when it comes to rewards.

My thinking is that although characters normally gets 2 Downtime Actions after a score, most of the time they will be using one or both for Vice or Recovery to heal up from the Score. So in practical terms characters will end up with <1 "Free" Action after a Score.

Based on that, I think 1 Downtime Action is fair. It still hurts to miss a session, but still gives to player a resource to spend and interesting decisions to make.

The alternative opinion: characters earn several xp per Score, so 2-3 Downtime Actions gives the character the ability to Train to make up some lost XP, and still have actions to do “interesting” things like Gather Info or work on a project.

Is 2 the middle group? What say you, Blades GMs?

I think it’s the city setting and the multi-faction warfare setup, but I saw the Frozen Synapse 2 trailer and I…

I think it’s the city setting and the multi-faction warfare setup, but I saw the Frozen Synapse 2 trailer and I…

I think it’s the city setting and the multi-faction warfare setup, but I saw the Frozen Synapse 2 trailer and I can’t think of a better game to do this with than Blades.

I’ve run a few sessions now (which have been thoroughly enjoyable) and we get the ‘fiction first’ premise of playing…

I’ve run a few sessions now (which have been thoroughly enjoyable) and we get the ‘fiction first’ premise of playing…

I’ve run a few sessions now (which have been thoroughly enjoyable) and we get the ‘fiction first’ premise of playing which works really well when on a score. However we get a bit of a disconnect once we’re in Downtime as that’s very much a “you have 2 things you can do (or more if you spend coin/rep)”, which is invariably clearing stress plus something else.

As there’s really only one way to do each of the things in Downtime that part, for us anyway, becomes led by the mechanics.

i.e. “I need to clear my stress so I’m going to go gambling” and not “To wind down after the job I take my share to the Red Leviathan and throw bones with One Eyed Jake. Oh, i guess that means I get to clear some stress”

Or “I need to recover my wounds so I’m off to the physicker” and not “I’m fucked! I book a session with Agamemnon the Physicker, so that means I get to do the Recover Wounds action”

Or “I’m 1xp short to advance Resolve, I train in the lair” and not

Or “Our Heat is way too high, I reduce heat by spreading a rumor it was the Lost who hit the Crows” and not “I’m going to spread rumours to implicate the Lost in the raid on the Crows, heh, that means I get to roll to Reduce Heat”

I’ll concede that things not covered by the above has potential to be led by the fiction as it could end up being a Long Term Clock, Acquiring Assets or Gathering Info depending on what it is.

We’re also finding the transition from being on the score to downtime a bit sharp. Like, “you’ve stolen the statue of awesome power from the Crows and made your escape back to your hidden lair” (sorts out Payoff & Heat, rolls for and roleplays the resolution of the Entanglement) “Now you’ve dealt with the entanglement of the bloodied message of your beaten to a pulp Spirit Trafficker contact from the Crows that means we’re in downtime now, what do you do?”

Should I not explicitly state that they’re in Downtime? I guess you have to as technically at that point they’re not on the Score any more as payoff/heat/entanglements has been done.

Should we accept that when it comes to Downtime it’s more of a “pick what you want to do, then roleplay it out or just hand wave it in the case of Training”, with the actual fiction first stuff happening when they’re on a Score?

(Summoning Drew Harpunea as he’s one of the players)