Dont you (GM-)guys have a problem with dealing harm all the time?
Dont you (GM-)guys have a problem with dealing harm all the time?
We had a awesome session last night, but in mid-game I changed the rule to one level of harm less than stated in the book. This was because every action brings consequences meaning mostly harm during combat, which means resistance which means stress. Harm means less dice which means worst results which means more harm, more stress.
Yes, we don’t have 6es in every roll, so this is very frequent. After 3-5 actions the players were stressed out on the edge of Trauma which lots of harm, too.
We came to a point where the playses just dont wanted to act anymore to avoid bad consequences.
Don’t get me wrong: Dealing harm is ok/cool, esp. in combat, but the level of harm seems a bit to harsh for me.
This is not making the best of a bad situation but more a full party wipe when more and more PCs are out because of trauma.
How do you guys handle that issue?