Hooray, my 4×8′ Doskvol & Shattered Isles map arrived today!
Hooray, my 4×8′ Doskvol & Shattered Isles map arrived today!
Hooray, my 4×8′ Doskvol & Shattered Isles map arrived today!
None of the standard items include a light source.
None of the standard items include a light source. The closest thing is maybe the vial of electroplasm in Arcane Implements. Is this on purpose? In a world with no sun, I feel like people might carry around lanterns or torches or something with some frequency.
The Lurk has his goggles, the Leech can just build something, the Whisper can see without sight. But sometimes your Cutter is alone in a dark tunnel and wants to pull a torch out of his backpack. Obviously he can always flashback, but it seems a common enough use case that it could be under items.
John Harper: As someone who just discovered this game (REALLY late to the party…), will the source files for the…
John Harper: As someone who just discovered this game (REALLY late to the party…), will the source files for the game be a Kickstarter exclusive? Will there be any way to pay for access to those down the road? I have some playbooks I’d love to make and share. What a brilliant product, thank you.
Starting a new Campaign tonight.
Starting a new Campaign tonight.
I don’t want to set another game in Duskvol this time. So instead, it’s going to be taking a trip to Throne, from Kill Six Billion Demons. Seems like it’ll make a great match with a little fidgeting: the Hull playbook looks like it’ll make a great K6BD Angel for example.
Looking forward to seeing how it works out! If it fails, I’ll just fall back on Duskvol and restart 🙂
Just picked up my copy of 7.1 and I have to say this is a great read (and hopefully a great play once I have my…
Just picked up my copy of 7.1 and I have to say this is a great read (and hopefully a great play once I have my first session!). I have a question about consequences however. Say it’s a risky position and my player rolls a 4 so he succeeds with some complication. Who decides the type of complication? Me as the GM? Or the player, but I say how it goes down? From the examples in the book for ability uses it seems as though I choose, however when I read Survey, it seemed as though the player was deciding. This had me confused. So which is it meant to be??
Want to dabble in political unrest in Doskvol? Here are some useful thoughts.
Want to dabble in political unrest in Doskvol? Here are some useful thoughts.
I live in an island nation whose entire population is less than half a million.
I live in an island nation whose entire population is less than half a million. Though crammed, there are no dense cities to speak of. Still we have a few thousand years of history, some really great architecture in the few old fortified towns. I tend to tap my homeland for games like Blades, where I reference these spaces, distance and possibly the kind of living quarters known to everyone at the table. However I lack the diversity and range a city provides – do yo integrate your real world into your Doskvol?
So, The Friends at the Table Podcast has convinced me to buy a copy of this game.
So, The Friends at the Table Podcast has convinced me to buy a copy of this game. I’ve just purchased the PDF, saw that this group existed, decided to join it. I really appreciate the approach that this game takes.
Any inspiration (links, pictures) how the Bluecoats look like?
Any inspiration (links, pictures) how the Bluecoats look like? I’m not happy with the classical Englisch Bobby, even in the early version (top hats instead of the modern helmets). In my opionen they should have an official headgear but it should be more brutal/vicious looking. All searches on pinterest and google came up empty, so if one of you have a picture to share I will be grateful.
Nasty subtle cursed item.
Nasty subtle cursed item.
So last session the as-yet-unnamed crew were contacted by Frake on behalf of the Hive to steal a particular item from a wealthy doctor’s private collection. A moderate Gather Info revealed that the item, called “The Monkey’s Paw,” was both powerful and cursed.
I left it at that. I have another session coming up soon, and am fishing for alternate ideas for the natures of both the power and the curse. I thought I’d tap the BitD collective, if I might.