I’ve seen a few posts by people that have an issue with the idea of a world of eternal night. I admit that I have the same problem of envisioning a near-totally sunless world – even though I’m able (and willing) to do weird things in my games like having the world be flat and allowing the players to sail over the waterfall at the edge of it.
Therefore, I’ve come up with an idea for this alternate universe of the Shattered Isles and why it is the way I’ve envisioned it to be, but I decided to add a little bit of fun in-game reasoning if my future players ever ask.
[From the correspondence between Professor Anna Lucia Skalicky and His Honorable Lordship O. A. Capron on her work The Great Cataclysm: Enigmatic Cause, Incontrovertible Effects, Volume 1]
In regards to your last letter, Sir Edvard van der Bos and I are close friends. I regard him as one of my dearest colleagues, but the subject of your question is something we strongly disagree upon. His hypothesis of multiple universes is intriguing, but strains belief. The thought that there are different planes of reality and that the Cataclysm may have had differing effects in said planes – such as his suggestion that the sun may not have shattered and could still be whole but merely snuffed out (remaining a dim ember in the sky) or that the Cataclysm may never have occurred at all – seems preposterous. Until documented evidence can be obtained, this is nothing more than a flight of fancy (though I will grant, an inventive one). Unfortunately, as your inquiry can attest to, the notion has gained a modicum of popularity in his university. This has caused several promising young students to squander their scholarly ingenuity in seeking to prove his theory. Even worse, it has encouraged a few to imagine developing a method to travel between his proposed universes. This belief has caused no small amount of strain in our relationship and with all due respect, I would prefer not to discuss it further. I strongly advise you to put the concept out of your mind. Your keen intellect is far too valuable to waste pondering such frivolity.
As specified in your work, you state that the pieces of the sun orbit in such a fashion that the shards drift closely together through the sky and only rarely line up to give the appearance of what it once was. To quote directly from Chapter 2: Cosmology of the Heavens (page 45 at the beginning at the third paragraph), “The fragments align in a Total Solar Convergence to provide what was once full daylight only a few times a year – approximately every 172 days. However, even though a total convergence may happen about 2-5 times a year, not many people get to see them. At any singular place, a Total Solar Convergence can be seen on average once every 360 years.” I found your assessment of the infrequency of such convergences remarkable. I have seen several of what you have deemed ‘Near Convergences’ and, like everyone else, I have enjoyed the day’s revels when such copious amounts of light have streamed down from the sky. However, I had not considered that there could be periods where the shards align such that it would be brighter than a hundred chandeliers in a banquet hall. In truth, such a concept inspired me to do some research of my own.
My investigation discovered that the last time Duskvol has seen a Total Solar Convergence was over three hundred years ago. However, within the same text, I read that Irondale had seen one within the past century and Kethrys had seen one just a scant three decades ago. I found this information in the Treatise on Gardening with Alchemical Solar Simulators by Samuel Brackenrig, which I did not see in your citations list. While this is not surprising given the subject matter and the rarity of copies of the treatise, the effects of the Cataclysm on sustainable food growth (which you only reference briefly in Volume 1) have been relatively well documented. Please let me know if you would like me to have a copy drafted. I would happily give one to you (at absolutely no expense, of course) if you intend to go into the subject further in Volume 2. Dare I ask if you have an estimate on the publication date?
As to your other proposal, I heartily accept and look forward to finally having the opportunity to meet you in person. I can arrange for your arrival at the villa at your earliest convenience.
Ever your devoted reader,
Magistrate Osbern Anchetil Capron