Reading over the V8 rules and trying to digest the changes, most of them seem fine or at worst are just personal “my character got nerffed” disappointments.
But the one that has been bugging me all day is the removal of the “firm” hold rating, which, as a result, means there is no way to tier up without becoming VERY likely to be knocked down a tier (and remaining weak at that). This is ESPECIALLY brutal when combined with the rep tracker becoming longer and increased tax to tier up.
The Shepherds have increased their hold (on the old scale) twice by now, but have gone to war they same number of times. We pull down all sorts of heat and ire of enemies because we’re ambitious up and comers and that’s what it takes to get a foothold.
But, with the current rules as written, as soon as we tier up (which we’re pretty close to doing), the only way to not lose our massive investment of several scores worth of rep and coin that we put into that, is to turtle up. Not risking pissing anyone off so they declare war on us until we get 12 minus turf rep and can be strong again. Not to mention just being forced to take any abuse entanglement gives us instead of actually being able to fight back.
I don’t know, maybe that you are supposed to be really scared of losing your tier right after you rank up, and that’s exactly the point of the change, but it seems kinda contrary to the bold risk-taking the game seems to be about.