Blades Development AMA 2/16 at 6:30 PST

Blades Development AMA 2/16 at 6:30 PST

Blades Development AMA 2/16 at 6:30 PST

Hi all, please join us for the Blades in the Dark development Ask-Me-Anything discussion tomorrow evening at 6:30 PM PST.

John Harper and I will be talking about the creation, design, and publication of Blades and answering questions as they come in either on the Twitch chat or sent to him via twitter (@john_harper)

Check it:

So, I got a small crew that started messing with Scum & Villainy.

So, I got a small crew that started messing with Scum & Villainy.

So, I got a small crew that started messing with Scum & Villainy. My Scoundrel has a rival in Battro, a bounty hunter. Everybody died when I announced why there is bad blood between us…Battro came to collect a bounty on my head over a Sabbacc game gone sour (that Switch had “…totally not cheated, that slimy slug of a Hutt just couldn’t hold his liquor! Maybe I took advantage, but just a little…). I had managed to get the drop on Battro and shot him, point blank, in the face, with a blaster, on stun…and Battro’s face stayed that way. Now he wears a mask and uses a vocalizer cannibalized from a bot. I don’t know why he hates me so much. The guy is now always ready for a surprise party.

I also came up with our theme song…

I was hoping there might be some info on when you guys will be streaming the next Bloodletters game, since it was…

I was hoping there might be some info on when you guys will be streaming the next Bloodletters game, since it was…

I was hoping there might be some info on when you guys will be streaming the next Bloodletters game, since it was mentioned it would be Soon(tm)? Or should I just keep an eye on John’s youtube channel?




So, in Ep 7-2, at around 47:40, Arcy wants to make a desperate Command roll vs Baz. John mentions that it’s only possible due to the past six sessions culminating in the crew being Tier 2 with a reputation for murder, but that if it was the first session it would be a project. This confuses me.

If it’s the first session, could Arcy not make a Desperate Command roll vs Baz with zero effect, provided she resisted anything sent he her way? AFAIK, Tier only affects effect, not position.

Has anyone done a Translation to German from the Basic Actions?

Has anyone done a Translation to German from the Basic Actions?

Has anyone done a Translation to German from the Basic Actions?

I tried it myself. What do you think?

Attune – einstimmen

Command – befehlen

Consort – gesellen

Finesse – überlisten

Hunt – jagen

Prowl – pirschen

Skirmish – prügeln

Study – studieren

Survey – untersuchen

Sway – beeinflussen

Tinker – basteln

Wreck – zerstören

Stefan Struck?

A thought occurred to me after I found out about the existence of Treacher-Collins syndrome.

A thought occurred to me after I found out about the existence of Treacher-Collins syndrome.

A thought occurred to me after I found out about the existence of Treacher-Collins syndrome. To put it shortly, it’s a birth defect that makes a person’s face look unusual and can cause problems with hearing, breathing and seeing due to that.

People born with similar birth defects would most likely be assumed to be some sort of devil by the population at large and maybe the academia and the occult with right tools would be able to tell that it’s not the case.

Which leads to the concept of a character who says their a Tycherosi because that’s easier to explain then that they were born with an odd face that isn’t mystically caused.

Hey John Harper – I know you’re just looking to wrap up production on Blades, but do you have plans for supplements…

Hey John Harper – I know you’re just looking to wrap up production on Blades, but do you have plans for supplements…

Hey John Harper – I know you’re just looking to wrap up production on Blades, but do you have plans for supplements detailing some of the setting things that we get hints about in the Roll20 games? Older languages, info about demons, etc?

Andrew Shields Have you gauged interest in a set of wet-erase clock cards of various ticks with the stylistic…

Andrew Shields Have you gauged interest in a set of wet-erase clock cards of various ticks with the stylistic…

Andrew Shields Have you gauged interest in a set of wet-erase clock cards of various ticks with the stylistic elements of the Heist Deck? Saves paper for eco-conscious peeps in the long run, and adds another game-flavored piece on the table.