So out of curiosity, has any of your crews sided with the Red Sashes in the starting situation?

So out of curiosity, has any of your crews sided with the Red Sashes in the starting situation?

So out of curiosity, has any of your crews sided with the Red Sashes in the starting situation? From what I’ve read here, it seems everyone has sided with the Lampblacks, as did my crew when I introduced them to situation tonight

I saw a post a while back about things that had become cannon in another person’s version of Doskvol, so I thought…

I saw a post a while back about things that had become cannon in another person’s version of Doskvol, so I thought…

I saw a post a while back about things that had become cannon in another person’s version of Doskvol, so I thought I’d share what the players from my 2 crews have introduced to my Doskvol.

1. Skovlanders are matriarchal. They are lead by women who are typically clever and cunning, whilst frail and dainty. The males are typically brutish and dimwhitted, following female orders.

2. Accents: Skovlanders are either Russian or Scottish sounding, Akorosians are English sounding. The other accents haven’t been established as cannon yet.

3. Tycherosi are the bottom barrel and everyone is racist to them except Iruvians. Iruvians are typically peaceful and accepting people. Skovlanders are looked down upon by Akorosians.

4. Electroplasm is cold. Very cold. Cold enough to burn you.

5. Ghosts can posses not only bodies, but body parts (they had Rorics ghost possess a severed hand, which was kind of cool).

6. The hive enslave their work force using Ghost Contracts (or so it seems).

What cool things have your players brought to the table?

I was doing some math on AnyDice, and from what I gathered, it looks like a character in BitD “decays” over time, to…

I was doing some math on AnyDice, and from what I gathered, it looks like a character in BitD “decays” over time, to…

I was doing some math on AnyDice, and from what I gathered, it looks like a character in BitD “decays” over time, to the point where, at some point during play, death becomes unavoidable. Play a Blade long enough, eventually they will run out of Trauma.

For example, looking at the rules, I found that on average, a starting character will recover (on average) 3.5 stress from indulging their Vice. I also found that, on average, a given character will take 1.5 stress when rolling 2 dice to resist a consequence. Taken together, it means that a character could resist a maximum of 2 consequences (again, on average) before the average amount of punishment they take outpaces the recovery they get back.

Furthermore, there are no hard stress clears, the only way to clear all your stress is Trauma. So, unless you resist on average only 2 consequences, eventually, your stress track will fill, and you will take Trauma, and after you take 4 Trauma, your character is off the board.

Thanks to Jakob the new character sheet is now live and official for Roll20 – available to all users!

Thanks to Jakob the new character sheet is now live and official for Roll20 – available to all users!

Thanks to Jakob the new character sheet is now live and official for Roll20 – available to all users! If you were running a game with the old sheet, you’ll have to manually switch over under game settings.

Note that the new sheet uses different attribute names to both the old sheet and the github version of my sheet, so if you used either of those you’ll want to make a copy of your game before you switch over. A lot of the data won’t automatically repopulate on the new sheet. You’ll need to spend a few minutes copy-pasting information into the new sheet, but it’s a one-off job.

Sean Nittner I tried to preorder my special edition, but get the message “Preorders are disabled”.

Sean Nittner I tried to preorder my special edition, but get the message “Preorders are disabled”.

Sean Nittner I tried to preorder my special edition, but get the message “Preorders are disabled”. What’s wrong here? Can you help me please?

Roll20 character sheet update

Roll20 character sheet update

Roll20 character sheet update

I’m happy to say that Roll20 has accepted my pull request and the new sheet will be going live soon (probably within a day or so).

If you are currently using the old sheet (or Tim’s original version of the sheet) and want to switch, copy the game first and only switch over the copy, since you will have to re-enter much of the data (hopefully assisted by sheet workers once you re-enter the playbook/crew type).

If you have any bug reports or suggestions, please go ahead and let me know!

Hey, I’m having some troubles downloading the last versions of Blades from the backer kit link I got on the mail a…

Hey, I’m having some troubles downloading the last versions of Blades from the backer kit link I got on the mail a…

Hey, I’m having some troubles downloading the last versions of Blades from the backer kit link I got on the mail a week ago. Am I the only one?

Anyone using relationship maps to track PCs and NPCs or factions in Blades?

Anyone using relationship maps to track PCs and NPCs or factions in Blades?

Anyone using relationship maps to track PCs and NPCs or factions in Blades? The premise sets up interesting possibilities for interactions and can lead to complicated relationships (see Cattaby, Aldo, & Grace in Rollplay Blades).

Later today $220 will be withdrawn from my account for 2 special editions and 2 ordinary HC’s, ouch! ;)

Later today $220 will be withdrawn from my account for 2 special editions and 2 ordinary HC’s, ouch! 😉

Later today $220 will be withdrawn from my account for 2 special editions and 2 ordinary HC’s, ouch! 😉