Thanks to Jakob the new character sheet is now live and official for Roll20 – available to all users!

Thanks to Jakob the new character sheet is now live and official for Roll20 – available to all users!

Thanks to Jakob the new character sheet is now live and official for Roll20 – available to all users! If you were running a game with the old sheet, you’ll have to manually switch over under game settings.

Note that the new sheet uses different attribute names to both the old sheet and the github version of my sheet, so if you used either of those you’ll want to make a copy of your game before you switch over. A lot of the data won’t automatically repopulate on the new sheet. You’ll need to spend a few minutes copy-pasting information into the new sheet, but it’s a one-off job.

19 thoughts on “Thanks to Jakob the new character sheet is now live and official for Roll20 – available to all users!”

  1. Sweet! Just finished converting the stuff over. This is gonna smooth things out considerably on my players’ ends, and they’re real good lookin’ to boot!

  2. Go to your Roll20 game, go to “Settings”, then “Game Settings”, then change the sheets. Make sure to copy the info from the sheets first (action dots and XP most notably).

  3. todd estabrook click on your campaign in Roll20, go to Settings > Game Settings > Character Sheet Template (bottom of the page) > choose “Blades in the Dark” from the dropdown menu

  4. I’ve been using Roll20 in Mozilla Firefox because 3D dice doesn’t work in Google Chome for some reason. When I use these new sheets all rolls roll an extra 8d6 for some reason. In the chat it shows the correct amount of dice, it’s just the 3D dice on the screen are wrong.

  5. Paul Hodgson Yeah, that’s a known problem with the limitations around Roll20 roll templates. Long story short, it’s better just to turn off 3d dice for now.

  6. This is incredible. Wow.

    I love how customizable it is. I’m working on a one-shot where I’m playing pretty loose with playbooks; I love that this totally makes that easy.

  7. This is fantastic work, I can’t thank you two enough for this. I’m a long-time GM but a newcomer to Roll20, so a quality user interface like this sheet definitely helps ease the transition.

    Question: in the open test game logs, I saw rolls being made by cohorts. I’ve poked everything I can think to on the character and crew sheets I’ve made in my own game, and I can’t get a cohort roll. Is that a work-in-progress thing that hasn’t made it to the official sheet? Or am I just missing something?

  8. Danny Keen You are correct, cohort rolls haven’t quite made it onto the official sheet yet. They’ll be there on the next iteration, along with some other improvements.

  9. Kenny Crowe Just above where you type the playbook name, beside the version # of the sheet, is a little gear. Click it and go nuts. Three extra stress are yours for the taking, and lots of other tasty options too.

    This sheet really is the best. Kudos again to Tim Denee and Jakob Oesinghaus!

  10. Question: this seems really basic, but: is there a way to get the standard playbooks loaded in? Or do I need to manually enter in stuff like available gear?

  11. Caveat, if you converted an old-sheet character and the playbook name is already filled in, you’ll need to empty the playbook name first, then leave the input field, then enter the name again, since the script only runs when you change stuff.

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