Trying to get my head around the “technology” of this industrial fantasy game 🙂 So I started looking for films set…
Trying to get my head around the “technology” of this industrial fantasy game 🙂 So I started looking for films set in the mid 19th century.
Deadwood – 1870s goldrush town in america
– guns are around, 6 shooters and rifles – but mainly knives… lots of knives.
– newspapers, and even a telegraph in the later seasons.
The Last Samurai – 1877 satsuma rebellion.
– guns and cannon. (and swords and bows).
– repeating shotgun (with about 4 shots) is a “special gun” for the sergeant.
– gatling guns appear at the end of the movie…. army destroying!
– but tactics and clever baiting allows swords & bows to still outdo the rifle-armed infantry. (until said gatling guns appear)
Gangs of New York
– oh good lord! knives, cleavers, clubs, wood & nails… But a wonderful view of crowded city life.