Let’s say I want a new special ability that lets a PC have their own entourage, loyal only to them and not the gang…

Let’s say I want a new special ability that lets a PC have their own entourage, loyal only to them and not the gang…

Let’s say I want a new special ability that lets a PC have their own entourage, loyal only to them and not the gang as a whole. What’s the best way to achieve that?

Do they just make a cohort and it functions the same as a gang cohort (same tier a the gang the PCs is in, edges and flaws, etc)? Should there be limits, or additional parameters? Maybe you can use a second special ability to make them fine quality?

We are playing a game in which the normal uses of Attune (you know, magic and stuff) aren’t really present.

We are playing a game in which the normal uses of Attune (you know, magic and stuff) aren’t really present.

We are playing a game in which the normal uses of Attune (you know, magic and stuff) aren’t really present. However, we didn’t want to just remove the whole thing – it would affect Insight, for example – and at the end of session 2 on Saturday, one player asked about taking a dot in it.

I said “yeah, I guess you could use Attune like Open Your Brain, Gaze Into The Abyss or something”… I may come to regret this. I will report back on how it goes.

Is there a system in place for making new contacts?

Is there a system in place for making new contacts?

Is there a system in place for making new contacts? During the second session the Crew of Shadows acquired a temporary asset of a Gondolier to help move them about the district. They ended up liking the NPC and wanted to ‘officially’ make him a contact. I couldn’t find anything so I set up a clock and let them know that each time they acquired him as an asset it would increase the clock.

Just been reading the v8.1 setting descriptions for all the areas of Duskvol and it’s great.

Just been reading the v8.1 setting descriptions for all the areas of Duskvol and it’s great.

Just been reading the v8.1 setting descriptions for all the areas of Duskvol and it’s great. Excellent work John Harper. Quick question for you though; is there any particular reason why Dunslough is the only district that doesn’t have a special effect? All the others do (e.g. +1d to acquire assets but with +2 Heat) and I really like the way it gives a mechanical effect to the area which changes the feel, but Dunslough has been missed/snubbed.

For everyone else, who runs Tangletown in your games, and how do they keep order since violence is not allwed there?

I’ve got a Tier 0 Shadow crew.

I’ve got a Tier 0 Shadow crew.

I’ve got a Tier 0 Shadow crew. After crew creation they ended up with a -2 Status with the Cyphers faction (the messenger guild of Doskvol). So I’m wracking my brain trying to come up with ideas about how this would manifest, and I’d like to solicit the Group for help. Any ideas?

My initial thought: Any time the crew attempts to contact someone and they do not do it in person, it is assumed they send a message. So perhaps a Fortune Roll to see if the message gets through unmolested?

Has anyone had players make second characters – either as a result of over indulging or just for the fun of it?

Has anyone had players make second characters – either as a result of over indulging or just for the fun of it?

Has anyone had players make second characters – either as a result of over indulging or just for the fun of it? I love the idea of troupe style play ala ars magica but I’ve found there is always so much going on that everyone is heavily invested in their first character and not interested in playing additional ones.

I’d love to hear from anyone with different experiences.

John Harper Please include the Items page again in the reference sheets.

John Harper Please include the Items page again in the reference sheets.

John Harper Please include the Items page again in the reference sheets. IMO this sheet is very useful as a handout to players and GMs alike.

Right now it is not included (only in the book) but one page to have all the information in one places would be cool.

Trying to get my head around the “technology” of this industrial fantasy game :) So I started looking for films set…

Trying to get my head around the “technology” of this industrial fantasy game 🙂 So I started looking for films set…

Trying to get my head around the “technology” of this industrial fantasy game 🙂 So I started looking for films set in the mid 19th century.

Deadwood – 1870s goldrush town in america

– guns are around, 6 shooters and rifles – but mainly knives… lots of knives.

– newspapers, and even a telegraph in the later seasons.

The Last Samurai – 1877 satsuma rebellion.

– guns and cannon. (and swords and bows).

– repeating shotgun (with about 4 shots) is a “special gun” for the sergeant.

– gatling guns appear at the end of the movie…. army destroying!

– but tactics and clever baiting allows swords & bows to still outdo the rifle-armed infantry. (until said gatling guns appear)

Gangs of New York

– oh good lord! knives, cleavers, clubs, wood & nails… But a wonderful view of crowded city life.