Do we have any imagery of what the “deathlands” outside the lightning fences look like?

Do we have any imagery of what the “deathlands” outside the lightning fences look like?

Do we have any imagery of what the “deathlands” outside the lightning fences look like? There is mention of miasma and strange flora and fauna…

i’m imagining something like a “nuclear winter” landscape – lots of barren-ness and strange half dead trees and plants… along with some new things that have adjusted to living in the environment – poisonous/aggressive fungus/lichen/vines… some “demonic” animals and plants etc?

Book of Eli, The Road,.

Anyone else got some ideas?

Sadly as a broke student I missed pre-orders for the special edition hardcover, on the kickstarter FAQ it was…

Sadly as a broke student I missed pre-orders for the special edition hardcover, on the kickstarter FAQ it was…

Sadly as a broke student I missed pre-orders for the special edition hardcover, on the kickstarter FAQ it was stated that hardcover owners received PDF versions as well. Will these PDF versions be made available for purchase anywhere else? I saw Sean had mentioned something like that might happen in the comments on DriveThruRPG. I would hate to miss out on U’duasha content as I am loving every bit of the lore I have seen on here!

I leave this here with the supposition that there is no role Ian McShane has every played that wouldn’t be a perfect…

I leave this here with the supposition that there is no role Ian McShane has every played that wouldn’t be a perfect…

I leave this here with the supposition that there is no role Ian McShane has every played that wouldn’t be a perfect Blades in the Dark character. In my own personal head canon Al Swearengen was crowned King Silas Benjamin, while secretly always being Mr. Wednesday.

I’m just curious if we know what the status is for the various stretch goal playsets.

I’m just curious if we know what the status is for the various stretch goal playsets.

I’m just curious if we know what the status is for the various stretch goal playsets. I’m not remotely, like, cranky and demanding them – I’m just super curious to see how they’re shaping up and what people are doing with the system.

(Though I admit to be spinning in my office chair while saying “Jheeeereg” because anyone who knows me has to expect that. 🙂 )

I will start by just openly saying this game has been a blast, and has really given some great insights on narrative…

I will start by just openly saying this game has been a blast, and has really given some great insights on narrative…

I will start by just openly saying this game has been a blast, and has really given some great insights on narrative focused game play.

So I have been getting more in tune with the game as a whole but some things have come up in some passing talks;

First off, how would one account for a shield? Like a buckler, or something of that ilk. How would it interact with the rules?

Second, in the city I have built for my game I have been playing around with a lot of ideas, and one of them has been incorporating a few other supernatural beings into the world of Blades.

Such as werewolves, other types of undead, and of course – more things from the deep such as fishmen and the like.

Would anyone have any other good suggestions for weird stuff to introduce to the setting?

My order consists of both Special Editions and ordinary hardbacks.

My order consists of both Special Editions and ordinary hardbacks.

My order consists of both Special Editions and ordinary hardbacks. Since I’ve seen rumors that the mixed orders are posted last, I was wondering if it was possible to pay extra for separate packaging for the SE and hardbacks?

Anyone implemented a version of the “Deck of Many Things”? I think it’d be a funny way to do Devil’s Bargains.

Anyone implemented a version of the “Deck of Many Things”? I think it’d be a funny way to do Devil’s Bargains.

Anyone implemented a version of the “Deck of Many Things”? I think it’d be a funny way to do Devil’s Bargains.

An occult deck of cards, found in some forgotten temple of an ancient god. It is said that reading someone’s fortune on it really has an effect. Usually an ill effect, but an effect nonetheless.

“Would you like an extra die for this roll? Okay, Logoc puts his hand into the bag and draws a card, beseeching the aid of the fortunes. He chose… Poorly.”

As the railjack supplement isn’t out yet (no rush :)) could people fill me in on some known lore and any home rules…

As the railjack supplement isn’t out yet (no rush :)) could people fill me in on some known lore and any home rules…

As the railjack supplement isn’t out yet (no rush :)) could people fill me in on some known lore and any home rules they’ve come up to handle it please?

I get the basic jist that they stand on the top of trains and fend off ghosts but just wanted to learn more.


I’m finally checking out my download rewards for being a backer.

I’m finally checking out my download rewards for being a backer.

I’m finally checking out my download rewards for being a backer. Now, I have a question: What’s the difference between the bladesinthedark_v8_1 and blades_specialedition_v8_1?