The books have finally made it to Estonia.

The books have finally made it to Estonia.

The books have finally made it to Estonia. For some reason my contact information got lost during transit, so after manically refreshing the tracking page and noticing a failed delivery, I consorted with DPD proactively and managed to acquire the Goods on the same day. Season 2 of our multi-GM game is already underway and I see many more to come. Thanks, John Harper​​ et al. for creating my favourite game just when I needed it the most! 

Here’s a flashback.

Here’s a flashback.

Here’s a flashback. Benjamin Anibal Reyna shared his game “Taken by the Shadows” as a 2 player game much like Blades in the Dark (at least pulling from some of the same sources.) That was back in 2015. But sharing is fun. So I’m sharing.

I went through and started adjusting the language to taste some time back, but didn’t finish. I still think it’s a neat little project you might enjoy.

Any Scandinavian contacts here want to roll up a Vikings crew sheet and raid some warehouses, because surely I can’t…

Any Scandinavian contacts here want to roll up a Vikings crew sheet and raid some warehouses, because surely I can’t…

Any Scandinavian contacts here want to roll up a Vikings crew sheet and raid some warehouses, because surely I can’t be the only one still waiting for the book?

Assault plan; point of entry: lesser guarded side entrance? Heavy load.


Couldn’t find the original “Show us your books” thread, but it appears I’m not alone in that.

Couldn’t find the original “Show us your books” thread, but it appears I’m not alone in that.

Couldn’t find the original “Show us your books” thread, but it appears I’m not alone in that. So here it is: The New Hotness.




As you know, old chap, I’ve been out of town visiting the kinfolk in parts remote and mending a few electroplasmic fences in the process. Imagine my mingled surprise and alarm to find a parcel awaiting my attention ere I alighted the railway carriage and returned to my modest dwelling! I cannot say when this arrived with any precision (with my usual fortune, had I delayed departure a few hours I might have had it with me!) but here it is. It proved to be a tome of some mutual interest. I enclose a hasty sketch of the cover. Something to discuss over a proper round or two of drinks at the club, eh?

With all due respect and deepest regards,

Jerome Woodbrygg-Peckham

Finally got this beauty the other day, thanks for all the updates and time you’ve given Sean, and thanks for the…

Finally got this beauty the other day, thanks for all the updates and time you’ve given Sean, and thanks for the…

Finally got this beauty the other day, thanks for all the updates and time you’ve given Sean, and thanks for the awesome game John.

Thank you so much for the Score generator.

Thank you so much for the Score generator.

Thank you so much for the Score generator.

It’s amazing! I’ve done my 2nd so far. The first one wrote the story, I only had to add a few details to further define it. The 2nd I had to add nothing AND it’s almost made to deal with one of my players leaving. It fits with the first like a puzzle piece.
