Eliza Gauger’s art is pretty amazing with a wonderful dark occult vibe.

Eliza Gauger’s art is pretty amazing with a wonderful dark occult vibe.

Eliza Gauger’s art is pretty amazing with a wonderful dark occult vibe. I could see any of her works painted big on any cultist den in Duskvol. She has an art book on Kickstarter right now that I recommend you checking out. Her KS ends in 5 days! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/917819040/problem-glyphs-art-book-by-eliza-gauger?ref=hero_thanks

I know its for Darkest Dungeon, but I’ve been playing all female parties lately, and these characters just scream…

I know its for Darkest Dungeon, but I’ve been playing all female parties lately, and these characters just scream…

I know its for Darkest Dungeon, but I’ve been playing all female parties lately, and these characters just scream Blades at me.

(Work by ginushka123456789)


Howdy Rogues! If you need to put a face to a name ‘Grimace’ is made for  you :)

Howdy Rogues! If you need to put a face to a name ‘Grimace’ is made for  you 🙂

Howdy Rogues! If you need to put a face to a name ‘Grimace’ is made for  you 🙂


Atlanta is the home of the Center for Puppetry Arts, whose museum (besides housing the largest supply of Jim Henson…

Atlanta is the home of the Center for Puppetry Arts, whose museum (besides housing the largest supply of Jim Henson…

Atlanta is the home of the Center for Puppetry Arts, whose museum (besides housing the largest supply of Jim Henson puppets outside of the Henson workshop) has an International Puppetry wing. Taking a walk through it this weekend, I spotted a couple things that could add to the immersion of your Blades in the Dark game. Literally every culture has puppets; they’re a cheap and entertaining diversion from long before radio and TV… So why not Duskvol?

This first guy sounds perfectly Duskvol: a streetside puppet that entertains you while you wait to have your teeth yanked out by the local dentist. Since this puppet’s character was an “Everyman,” you can populate a scene with this background detail and use it to casually remark on the ghosts and dead and crime of the city.

This other guy was on a metal wire and jumps around when you tap it, giving the illusion of dancing. Works just fine on its own, and I could imagine many of the poor an impoverished of Duskvol doing little shows like this to try and get some pennies to rub together. I could also imagine some small and very rudimentary clockwork being used in this field.

There you go! Just an interesting idea to think about for adding some atmosphere to your haunted streets.

Blades Community! Look at yourselves. You were not on the ball with the Bloodletters fanart.

Blades Community! Look at yourselves. You were not on the ball with the Bloodletters fanart.

Blades Community! Look at yourselves. You were not on the ball with the Bloodletters fanart.

EXHIBIT A: https://youtu.be/rIbBj4kqlUs?t=6m

We were commanded to make fanart of She Who Slays in Darkness. I waited for weeks, and people of far more artistic skill than I did not HEED ORDERS FROM OUR OVERLORDS! It would seem that I am the one true fan in this community! WE HAVE MORE MEMBERS THAN JESUS CHRIST HAS HAD BIRTHDAYS AND YET NOT ONE OF YOU WOULD DO WHAT I WAS WILLING TO DO!

So behold this picture with great pleasure, yes. BUT REMEMBER. This is not your gift; this is your punishment! You made me, a photoshop novice, produce my best work ever. This is your fault.

Now seriously: thanks! I loved making this.

Household Renovation of Great and Terrible Power is going through the mill of some really fun alpha playtesting with and having some mechanical chaff threshed away before I make a pdf for Beta version 1 to throw here. Have a lovely day, everyone!

Can I just say, after re-reading and re-watching Sherlock Holmes, John Watkiss’s graphic vision strongly aligns with…

Can I just say, after re-reading and re-watching Sherlock Holmes, John Watkiss’s graphic vision strongly aligns with…

Can I just say, after re-reading and re-watching Sherlock Holmes, John Watkiss’s graphic vision strongly aligns with my imagination of Doskvol’s seedy underbelly.
