Scoundrel of the Week ~ Poundinch ~ Courtesy of David Cornish.

Scoundrel of the Week ~ Poundinch ~ Courtesy of David Cornish.

Scoundrel of the Week ~ Poundinch ~ Courtesy of David Cornish.

“The hefty shadow came closer and clarified itself as an unsavoury-looking fellow, tall and thickly built, with broad, round shoulders and matted eyebrows knotting over a darting, conspiratorial squint. His clothes were shabby, though they looked as if they had been of good quality. His dark blue frock coat, probably proofed, with overly wide sleeves, was edged with even darker blue silk and lined with buff. This garment came down to his knees and covered everything but a pair of hard- worn shin-collar boots.

The man emitted a powerfully foul odour, and altogether a distinctly uneasy feeling.”

~ Monster Blood Tattoo (A Foundling’s Tale)

Oh My Gosh, then seconded to my last art post, I stumble across Keith Thompson’s Wonderful Leviathan Series!

Oh My Gosh, then seconded to my last art post, I stumble across Keith Thompson’s Wonderful Leviathan Series!

Oh My Gosh, then seconded to my last art post, I stumble across Keith Thompson’s Wonderful Leviathan Series!


As I continue to re-read David Cornish’s excellent Monster Blood Tattoo series, his AMAZING illustrations are…

As I continue to re-read David Cornish’s excellent Monster Blood Tattoo series, his AMAZING illustrations are…

As I continue to re-read David Cornish’s excellent Monster Blood Tattoo series, his AMAZING illustrations are colouring my worldview of Doskvol, the same way as Dishonoured had previous. Its a wonderful amalgamation.

For today’s inspiration, I share with you David’s vision for the ships of his Half-Continent – which I now cannot ‘un see’ as the Leviathan Hunters of Akarosi.

“Taking a clumsily hidden tot of hard waters from his coatflask,

Captain Wantastiquire Lacking looked back over the rocking heads

of his rowing crew to the awkward lines of his vessel. To the landed

eye she would have seemed a large and impressive vessel; undeed,

she was classed on the lists as an iron-dought, a proper line-of-battle

ram. Yet any knowledgable eye could see that the NB Coryphaeus

was a little too short along the gundeck for a true iron-dought, and

too long on her pinch deck – her truncated upper deck. She was in

truth what was rather disparagingly referred to as a mule-ram: a

ram of uncertain class and therefore of uncertain role, and she was

a rather age-ed mule-ram at that.”

David Cornish is a fellow Antipodean roleplayer, who is also an amazing Illustrator and writer…

David Cornish is a fellow Antipodean roleplayer, who is also an amazing Illustrator and writer…

David Cornish is a fellow Antipodean roleplayer, who is also an amazing Illustrator and writer…

His series revolving around the Half-Continent are very Blades-esque in their imagery: An acidic boiling sea, vast wildlands beset by all manner of dark creatures, and dense smoking cities full of corruption and vice.

Read his books, but revel in his art and language. Terms like ‘Skold’, ‘Lazhar’, ‘Teratologist’, ‘Sthenicon’ and ‘potives’ are such obvious and awesome ports for any Blades Game.

If your looking for some clothing inspirations, here’s a series of very early Corvo Attano concept art from…

If your looking for some clothing inspirations, here’s a series of very early Corvo Attano concept art from…

If your looking for some clothing inspirations, here’s a series of very early Corvo Attano concept art from Dishonored

I know most of Harper’s art galleries were somewhere between Thief and the new Musketeers, but for whatever reason,…

I know most of Harper’s art galleries were somewhere between Thief and the new Musketeers, but for whatever reason,…

I know most of Harper’s art galleries were somewhere between Thief and the new Musketeers, but for whatever reason, this really spoke to me as Blades. Figured I’d share.