Can you attune out in the Deathlands, or is it only possible inside a city/lightning barrier?

Can you attune out in the Deathlands, or is it only possible inside a city/lightning barrier?

Can you attune out in the Deathlands, or is it only possible inside a city/lightning barrier?

The actual description of the Attune action I believe is saying that you cannot but I want to be sure since it seems to contradict itself; to quote the book, “The “ghost field” is somewhat ambiguous, by design. It’s the energy contained within the lightning barrier of the city, the echoes of events in the recent past, and the medium in which spirits exist.”

It’s that last part that makes me think maybe you can Attune in the Deathlands, because spirits certainly exist outside of the Lightning Barrier, which would suggest the Ghost Field is out there too. Does the contained area of a lightning barrier change the properties of the Ghost Field to allow Attunement? Or can you Attune everywhere except for maybe places prepared by old magic to deaden the ghost field there.

EDIT: A reread of the Ritual section answered my own question for me.

EDIT: A reread of the Ritual section answered my own question for me.

EDIT: A reread of the Ritual section answered my own question for me. Lesson to learn here, memory is a terriable thing to go by.

The Whisper ability Ritual only allows one Ritual to be learned, correct? If this is the case, can a Whisper take it multiple times? If they ‘can’ take it multiple time, do the subsequent takings of Ritual count as Veteran slots?

So here is something, I’m curious as to what sort of population people think Duskwall has.

So here is something, I’m curious as to what sort of population people think Duskwall has.

So here is something, I’m curious as to what sort of population people think Duskwall has.

I get the feeling its suppose to be pretty crowed, with probably a surprising amount of verticality (since they can’t really expanded outwards), but I guess I’m not positive of the ‘scale’ of Duskwall to make a rough guess on numbers.

London had about a million people in it around 1800, that seems like the ‘most’ Duskwall would have, unless I’m underestimating how big the city is.

If your looking for some clothing inspirations, here’s a series of very early Corvo Attano concept art from…

If your looking for some clothing inspirations, here’s a series of very early Corvo Attano concept art from…

If your looking for some clothing inspirations, here’s a series of very early Corvo Attano concept art from Dishonored

Slowly but surely my table is prepping to play Blades, and the players were wondering if the Assassin crew sheet had…

Slowly but surely my table is prepping to play Blades, and the players were wondering if the Assassin crew sheet had…

Slowly but surely my table is prepping to play Blades, and the players were wondering if the Assassin crew sheet had been posted somewhere, so I went looking.

I see John mentioned in the Kickstarter comments about 2 weeks ago that he was going to post the Assassin Crew Sheet in progress here for feedback, but scrolling through I didn’t see it.

Has it been posted and I’m just blind (very possible), Or is it not quite ready for public consumption yet?

So when watching an episode of the Six Towers Gang actual play, John mentioned something that I hadn’t seen in the…

So when watching an episode of the Six Towers Gang actual play, John mentioned something that I hadn’t seen in the…

So when watching an episode of the Six Towers Gang actual play, John mentioned something that I hadn’t seen in the quick start, which is that the Church of the Ecstacy of the Flesh teaches that ghosts are not the consciousness of the person they spawn from. There is no life after death, just a vile echo spawned by your passing.

I asked him in the comments if this is just a teaching to make people less willing to be sentimental about ghosts and ghosts really are the consciousness of the dead person, or if it is a law of the metaphysics and there is no afterlife for a dead person as a ghost. The answer, not surprisingly but very cool none the less is that it’s up to the table.

I’m curious how the other players/gms treat it in their games, are ghosts really the dead person? An echo created in the ghost sphere by a death?