Although not strictly the aesthetic used, surely these scoundrels can’t be left out of your game?

Although not strictly the aesthetic used, surely these scoundrels can’t be left out of your game?

Although not strictly the aesthetic used, surely these scoundrels can’t be left out of your game?

Originally shared by Michael Wenman

This might interest you, Tom McGrenery. Someone’s been busy colouring some of our old photos.

Another creature of our Doskvol.

Another creature of our Doskvol.

Another creature of our Doskvol. One of my favorites of Mr. Harper’s creations, I love the idea of flocks of crows acting almost like the hunting hounds for the implacable Spirit Wardens.

Who, BTW, are looking to play the heavies in our little campaign. I doubt they’ll take too well to a band of failed students peppered with dock scum trying to smuggle spirit bottles through the city.

It’s getting a bit “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking-ish.”



Our group is ready to go! They’re looking at Smugglers with more of a “bent scholar” type of angle. With that in mind I’ve been working up some more philosophical NPC’s for them to deal with on the polite side of society.

This got me thinking about Blades, how it feels like a universe that’s a few doors down, and what it would look like for the everyday.

Put those together and you’ve got adesire to do some zoological and botanical plates to get everyone in the mood.

Here’s the first page, if you folks like, I’ll keep posting them as I make them.

If you wanted to know what a Hound’s weapon looked like

If you wanted to know what a Hound’s weapon looked like

If you wanted to know what a Hound’s weapon looked like

Thanks Evandro!

Thanks Evandro!

Thanks Evandro!

Originally shared by Evandro Novel

An old architecture book, good for inspiration or for your mythos games…

Hobbs’s architecture: containing designs and ground plans for villas, cottages and other edifices, both suburban and rural, adapted to the United States. 1876