In a few weeks I will be GMing a campaign of Blades on and would love for people to tune in.

In a few weeks I will be GMing a campaign of Blades on and would love for people to tune in.

In a few weeks I will be GMing a campaign of Blades on and would love for people to tune in. Really looking forward to playing Blades for the first time. 

Hey guys The WATT Cast will be streaming another podcast live at 6:30 PM EST.

Hey guys The WATT Cast will be streaming another podcast live at 6:30 PM EST.

Hey guys The WATT Cast will be streaming another podcast live at 6:30 PM EST. This will be a special episode where we will be playing Blades in the Dark. We are looking forward to it and hope you are too. If you miss the stream don’t worry we will try our best to make sure it gets up on YouTube.


The Opulence, I Has It Caper isn’t complete yet, but I wanted to share the creativity that came out of having the…

The Opulence, I Has It Caper isn’t complete yet, but I wanted to share the creativity that came out of having the…

The Opulence, I Has It Caper isn’t complete yet, but I wanted to share the creativity that came out of having the Leech’s alchemical supply fleshed out in the most recent quickstart.

Ghost Oil. Learn it. Love it.

The Dead Setters were after some faberge-type animal sculptures being transported into Duskwall on one of those Fury Road trains. Once the train was in the city and its own lightning barriers folded in, the Hound snuck onboard using forged inspection papers and a disguise and found that the artwork was being stored inside compartments on a large-scale hull fashioned in a similar, scaled-up style to the artwork itself. Imagine the museum opening gala with this hull prancing up like a giraffe and revealing the actual artwork, that sort of thing.

The Hound poured Ghost Oil on the sucker and with a flashback, the Leech set up a purloined lightning wall across the tracks. The train passed through but the ethereal hull with the prize inside was caught and shunted right out of the train, away from the guards and rail jacks and all the stuff inside.

Things got bad after that – the Unstable Whisper (go trauma!) forgot it was a human spirit, not an animal one, and was disappointed that his Whovian giraffe dance didn’t have the calming effect he’d hoped. The hull’s animating spirit was eaten by hungry ghosts, leaving the crew with a ghostly empty clockwork pseudo-giraffe full of artwork they can’t touch.

That’s okay, though, because they were in the middle of a knife fight with the Red Sashes when we had to call it a night.

Question: Is it okay to start a Cutter with a Forgotten Gods advance if I give them the trauma level?

Question: Is it okay to start a Cutter with a Forgotten Gods advance if I give them the trauma level?

Question: Is it okay to start a Cutter with a Forgotten Gods advance if I give them the trauma level?


Say, did you know that the best whiskey is aged in leviathan tusks?

Say, did you know that the best whiskey is aged in leviathan tusks?

Say, did you know that the best whiskey is aged in leviathan tusks? Me neither, our Skovland pc told us so. Right before he poisoned Baszo Bas. Which was a quiet way to go about things. Too bad firing the banshee gun was anything but quiet…. We had an enjoyable first session, I dare say.

I have introduced 8 people to Blades in the Dark today.

I have introduced 8 people to Blades in the Dark today.

I have introduced 8 people to Blades in the Dark today.  (edit to add caveat; a number of players were backers, but had not actually played, and the play? The play is the thing.)

I didn’t need to worry about time for the first session; we could have made a crew as well as making characters. No one played in both sessions. And, it was a loud room and the group wasn’t keen to try to do a quickie heist in the last almost-hour.

For the second group, we went about 3:20, and it was a group of 5, so after making characters and the crew and scouting one mission then scouting another and doing a heist and a down time, the group was done. I was yelling myself hoarse to talk to 5 players while at the table in the middle of the room surrounded by happy gamers. Not so bad. =)

Lots of compliments were directed to John Harper for the catalog of games he designed, and the people who played this one had a great time.

Here’s a fun thing I had in my game last night that could be repurposed for other games.

Here’s a fun thing I had in my game last night that could be repurposed for other games.

Here’s a fun thing I had in my game last night that could be repurposed for other games.

A nobleman was moving an important object. First, he put the object in a case with a dimensional puzzle, so it could not be forced open and had to be unfolded in the Ghost Field.

Then he put it in his coach, with four guards inside, two on top, and two on the buckboard. The coach had thick walls and gun ports, with crenelation on top to provide cover for shooters there. It looked somewhat like a watchtower on wheels.The guy riding next to the coach’s driver had a golf-bag style boot with a rifle and a blunderbuss, so he’d have the right tool for the job if they were accosted by scoundrels.

Pulling the heavy coach was a brace of war goats. Over 5′ at the shoulder, they had metal-plated and gilded horns and hooves. Also, their shaggy and unruly hair was braided into artistic cornrows that followed the contours of their muscle. With heads the size of a human torso, sporting brutal horns, these unruly and deadly monsters provided both pull and security from the front.

Add some rearguard agents on foot, and perhaps a couple scouts to go ahead and look for ambush, and you have a pretty secure transport.

So! Put a treasure in the lockbox and slap your noble’s coat of arms on the side, and you’ve got a great rolling target for your scoundrels to hit.

Season 2 of the Unrecommendables is complete at 4 sessions. Here are the play reports.

Season 2 of the Unrecommendables is complete at 4 sessions. Here are the play reports.

Season 2 of the Unrecommendables is complete at 4 sessions. Here are the play reports.

Saturday was Concrete Cow, a one-day RPG con in Milton Keynes, UK.

Saturday was Concrete Cow, a one-day RPG con in Milton Keynes, UK.

Saturday was Concrete Cow, a one-day RPG con in Milton Keynes, UK. 

In the evening I ran a low-prep session of Blades in the Dark for four players. When I played it at Games on Demand at Dragonmeet, we did chargen at the table and that seemed to work well; I thought I’d do the same for my session. On reflection, I don’t think it added much to the game: when I offer it again, I’ll come prepared with mostly-generated characters, leaving the players to allocate a few dots here and there. 

I cribbed mercilessly from pre-published materials and used the War in Crow’s Foot situation. I introduced the situation before the PCs generated characters: I don’t know if that worked for the players or not. The players quickly decided that they’d attempt to double-cross both the Lampblacks and the Red Sashes, stealing the Lampblacks’ strongbox for the Red Sashes, but hiding the arcane bomb (given to them by the Lampblacks) inside it for the handover. Which the PCs also decided they’d let the Lampblacks know about, hoping to kill two birds with one stone.

We managed to get two scores into the three hour session, which was quite fun. Things went well at the table, but rather less well for the PC crew: we ended the session with one PC dead, two mortally wounded, and one running for her life. That’s about what you’d expect for a small gang attempting to double-cross two larger ones. But the players seemed to enjoy it, so I’ll take that as another win.