The crew had 6 Heat, then picked up 3 more.

The crew had 6 Heat, then picked up 3 more.

The crew had 6 Heat, then picked up 3 more. I filled up the 9-segment Heat track & cleared it, giving them +1 Wanted level (bringing them to 2). The walls are closing in on them.. or so it would seem!

I then rolled Entanglements, and realized they were back on the easiest-going list of Entanglements again. They really dodged a bullet by the reset coming after they gained 9 but before entanglements are rolled. Their roll would have been Arrest, but instead the entanglement they got from the 0-3 list was Cooperation (which didn’t apply to them, and so they avoided entanglements altogether).

Did I do this as intended (my reading says “yes”)? ie: Did they just get lucky and stave off their eventual consequences, or.. was I supposed to roll their entanglement from the 6+ list, THEN reset?

Additional thoughts: I hoped that maybe the Wanted level affects the severity of the outcomes, so that if the same entanglement comes up at Wanted level 1 and 2, then it is harder to deal with at Wanted level 2. Seems the Wanted level on its own is meant to only affect law enforcement response though.

Follow up question: is it being too hard on them to think that all entanglements should carry higher pressure than usual at higher Wanted levels?

So we had a great third session of my (still unnamed) cult crew.

So we had a great third session of my (still unnamed) cult crew.

So we had a great third session of my (still unnamed) cult crew. It’s consistently been the most fun I’ve had playing any kind of game in recent memory. I’m going to forgo my usual wall of text and just hit on each player’s most awesomely self destructive moments.

The setup is that the PCs are after some barrels of leviathan blood that are currently sitting at the bottom of a canal in Charhollow. There is a weird swirling black portal down there, and nobody knows what it is or wants to get near it. It has two weird effects: causing the water in the canal to part like the Red Sea, and making everything down their pitch black and dimming any lights to the effectiveness of a match.

Wraith (Whisper) – She immediately left the group to go inspect the portal, which she could not see, but sense. A few ill-advised and failed attune actions later, the portal belches forth a swarm of beetles made of barbed wire. Given the choice between severe harm (beetle lodges itself in her throat) or becoming a host to a sliver of a forgotten god, The One Within Many, she chooses the later.

Boulder (Cutter) – A ghost is attempting to drag him into the wall of water, and the only thing currently keeping him out is the struggling enemy whisper whose neck he is holding. Boulder squeezes so hard he pops the whisper’s head off, and gets dragged underwater with no regrets.

Shiv (Lurk) – Seeing Boulder go underwater, he puts manacles around his ankle, hands the chain to his Leech buddy and dives in after the ghost he can neither fight nor see. He is, of course, immediately grappled by the ghost.

Tumbler (Leech) – He is holding a chain attached to his friend who is being grappled by a ghost underwater. He sees spark drug on his list of possible alchemicals and has the most brilliant idea I’ve ever heard. Ghosts are vulnerable to electroplasm, so why not send a shock through the chain (and Shiv) to attack the ghost? Devil’s bargain that the electricity destabilizes the wall of water? Yes please! He rolls a desperate 6, kills the ghost, and the wall came a tumblin’ down. IT. WAS. GLORIOUS.

The Porcelain Dolls: Session 12 (April 26 2016)

The Porcelain Dolls: Session 12 (April 26 2016)

The Porcelain Dolls: Session 12 (April 26 2016)

Downtime after the Luxury Fence Claim:

Boots gets his broken nose treated and goes to play cards for a while.

Constance works on clearing out the machinery from the factory, and trains Prowess.

Gears helps Constance with clearing out the machinery and goes to spy on the Docks. In the late afternoon he sees a ship crew bring an unmarked crate off the ship and into Ferros’ warehouse as surreptitiously as possible.

The Unmarked Crate Job:

There is a particular warehouse in The Docks, controlled by the Seaside Dockers. The crates that come in and out of this warehouse are all marked with a series of 10 digit tracking numbers. However, recently a crate came into the warehouse with no visible markings on it. This has piqued the crew’s curiosity.

Gears gathers info by visiting an old friend named Milos, an ex-docker who retired with a bad back. Milos explains the numbering system. Certain pairs of digits denote what shipping company is moving it, its port of origin, the destination port, and other miscellaneous information. Once a crate is brought into the city, the local warehouse has the corresponding paperwork to inform its final destination within the city, and whether it’s to be delivered or picked up.

Boots watches the warehouse while walking Valter, keeping track of the comings and goings, and notes some consistency to the pattern of numbers, as well as when and how they are updated or removed as the crates move through the warehouse (crates are frequently reused, and the old numbers are just painted over). He also collects samples of fur from the goats used to pull the delivery carts and stores them for later use in tracking.

Constance and Marlane go to The Black Tree, a pub in the Docks where Ferros’ dockworkers hang out. They pick a fight with the dockworkers, and injure a number of them enough that they will miss work. The next day Constance watches the tenement building where some of the injured workers live, and sees the shift supervisor Frost come to check on the workers who have failed to show up to work. She ambushes him and ties him up, questioning him about his home address and correctly guessing that he has a wife. She visits his wife (and infant son) at home, and strong-arms Frost into giving up his paperwork. She brings it back to the crew, and they locate the line indicating when the unlabeled crate is to be delivered (day after next) and where (Shade, passing through, recognizes the address as belonging to Lord Scurlock). Gears forges a change of address to have it delivered to The Hive, and Kamali returns the papers to Frost’s wife.

A day and a half later, Boots is walking Valter near the warehouse again when the crate is loaded onto a delivery cart. When he sees which goats are being used to pull the cart, he has Valter track by scent, and sure enough, the cart goes to the warehouse owned by The Hive. Boots arrives just as the cart is leaving, and finds Corville & Lady Casslyn in the entryway with the crate. He informs them who it belongs to and how it arrived there, and she immediately has Corville get a carriage ready so she can deliver it personally to Lord Scurlock. She thanks Boots, and informs him that this certainly fulfills their obligation, and pending Lord Scurlock’s reaction to the Dockers, she will release Basran from his contract.


There was some nifty foreshadowing of the force of nature that is Lord Scurlock. The mere mention of his name was enough to make a senior lieutenant of the Hive extremely nervous.

Another house rule we instituted was that I am allowing the crew to gain certain upgrades through the completion of long term projects, rather than XP and crew playbook advances, since those have been coming fairly slowly. The first item on their agenda is Quarters, so the first project is to clear out all the machinery from the factory floor, and divide that space up until smaller rooms.


The Porcelain Dolls: Session 11 (April 21 2016)

The Porcelain Dolls: Session 11 (April 21 2016)

The Porcelain Dolls: Session 11 (April 21 2016)

The Luxury Fence Claim:

Kamali goes to meet with Rolan to set up the meeting with her supplier. Rolan gives her an address in Nightmarket and writes a letter of introduction. Kamali meets with Mordis, a mysterious Severosi with a number of business concerns. Kamali gives him the letter, and he leads her to his office, where they negotiate the volume and price of purchase. Kamali arranges for half the shipment of Blue Cloud to be delivered to Basran that same night (paying 3 Coin in the process), and the other half when it becomes available in two weeks’ time (at which point the other 3 Coin will be due).

The next day, a valet named Corville arrives at the Leaky Bucket to inform the crew that Lady Casslyn of the Hive would like to meet with them. Constance, Gears, and Boots go to meet with Lady Casslyn. After a shaky start, Constance manages to intimidate Casslyn, and they agree that the Dolls will do one job in return for letting Basran go. The Hive presents itself as a legitimate business concern, and prefers to have other organizations do its dirty work. They have kept out of narcotics as a rule, and allowing Basran to deal in them could be potentially damaging to their legal status. In order to buy out Basran’s contract, the Dolls will need to perform a service for the Hive. They can do this by sending a message to the Dockers, one that they will recognize as coming from the Hive, but will not be obvious to outsiders. Their foreman is a man called Farros. Pending the successful completion of the job for the Hive, the Dolls have secured the services of Basran as their Luxury Fence.

Tomas shows up at the Leaky Bucket with two messenger crows in cages, as well as instructions on how to train them. Gear sets about building a rookery on the roof.


I decided a couple of sessions ago that the Crows have one legitimate business: a messenger service. Maybe we’ve been watching too much Game of Thrones. They way it works is simple. There is a particular breed of bird called Messenger Crows, about the size of doves, with matte black feathers (in contrast to the Deathseeker Ravens, which are about twice as large, and their feathers have an oily sheen), that have a homing ability similar to Carrier Pigeons. Organizations (or less frequently, individuals) that have a contract with The Crows will have several birds trained specifically to fly between The Crows’ clock tower in Crows Foot, and a destination of the client’s choosing. Thus, the clock tower becomes the hub of a city-wide communications network. A crows flies in to the tower bearing a message, the container is transferred to a bird bound for the listed destination, and the original bird is sent back with an acknowledgement that the message is being relayed. The Crows never ever EVER open or interfere with the messages in any way. No. not ever. That would be wrong. To even suggest that this might happen is to invite Lyssa’s wrath. Now, this does put them in competition with the Cyphers, doesn’t it? Won’t that be interesting?


Today was one of our best Blades sessions so far.

Today was one of our best Blades sessions so far.

Today was one of our best Blades sessions so far. Instead of our fairly usual planning-score-downtime deal, I had the Red Sashes react to one of their provocations and initiate a counterattack at their de facto staging ground – the Leaky Bucket. The Red Sashes were pretty desperate at this stage and pulled out all the stops – firebombs, chokedust, rage essence, the works.

The crew Cutter killed off most of the rank-and-file, whereas the few remaining master swordsmen actually died to gunfire from the new party Hound and a neat ambush by one of Ulf Ironborn’s better men.

Heavily outnumbered, Mylera used a combustible packet of Ghost Oil and slipped a region around her into the Ghost Field, Ulf and a lot of his less competent lackies included. I was perhaps aiming a little bit towards a vaguely dream-sequence-ish fight in the ghost field between our Cutter and Mylera, but what happened instead is that the Hound simply sicced his creepy ghost lizard into the opening of his natural habitat.

We don’t know what happened inside there, but no one came out alive, and the Hound has been having disturbing dreams since.

So they basically got rid of two gangs in one swoop, and have been looting the Red Sashes dojo since. This is the greatest score they have ever pulled off financially, and with the Sashes’ out of the picture, they naturally get more turf and their own hunting grounds grow bigger.

And while not really a highlight of the session, I am really glad our crew has finally got a gang of their own – a bunch of Expert Shadow street orphans. We have a nice low-grade simmering conflict between the Cutter’s attempts to introduce military discipline, the Lurk’s continued need to evade authority and have a good time with the lads, and even the Hounds abortive attempts to introduce the kids into his eerily creepy human sacrifice cult (and I do mean eerily creepy – there were pamphlets involved). The players chose Principled as their cohort’s flaw, so I basically got to play a religious no-nonsense scoutmaster type as the “second in command”.

I feel like having a cohort gang really livens up the game, but maybe that’s just from my perspective as the GM – I can npw play an NPC I can be pretty certain will see recurring airtime in a situation where I don’t need to think in terms of opposition or parsing difficulty. Until someone in the party decides that having a principled gang isn’t quite what they wanted after all, I can rest into this NPC like a comfy armchair. Fun!

The Bridge Trolls – A Letter From Arkady (Episode 5)

The Bridge Trolls – A Letter From Arkady (Episode 5)

The Bridge Trolls – A Letter From Arkady (Episode 5)

Our group (four players plus myself) have often talked about switching out the GM responsibility. I run our games very openly, so there’s virtually nothing I have planned that isn’t out on the table for everybody to know, so there’s not really any reason that it has to be me acting as GM, and it would give somebody else a chance to sit on the non-dice-rolling side of the table.

We all had a busy week and three of our folks were unable to attend our weekly session. The remaining player offered to run a 1-on-1 game for me instead so I put together a Slide and we set our story a few months before our actual first episode, just after Rorik granted our crew license to work The Drop, so chronologically this is really Episode 1. This is the letter I wrote afterward to bring our other players up to speed on how my character was retconned into joining the crew.

Dramatis Personae

The Bridge Trolls, a crew of thieves with a reputation for both dealing with weird shit and being weird as shit. The Trolls took the Ghost Echos ability and nearly all of these scoundrels have the Ghostly ability of their playbook.

Alys – a Bridge Troll. A Leech specializing in drugs, wrecking stuff, and childlike glee.

Arkady – a Slide. The bastard offspring of a charming, shiftless Lampblack and the daughter of an Iruvian noble house who brought shame upon her family. Carries a grudge against both aristocracy of all stripes and Baszo’s crew specifically.


To my esteemed colleagues, Tocker, Wyre, and Bricks:

I know that I have been long absent from the embrace of our little fraternity and likewise long overdue with an accounting of the events that so impressed our compatriot Alys that she fervently asserted that I am “our kind of crazy,” whatever that may mean. Herein I hope to remedy at least one of those debts.

Some four months ago, my tenuous association with the Lampblacks finally came to a close. I found myself at loose ends, open to fresh opportunities and in need of new direction. Though we had travelled in similar circles for quite some time, it was only upon learning of your troop’s recent territorial endowment from our late, lamented ward chief that I noted your number was, I must bluntly say, sorely lacking in the artistry of the salon and the parlor. You are, my cherished friends, a bunch of crazy thugs.

With this in mind, I set an appointment with our dear Alys and attempted to impress upon her the advantages that I can offer. As is her way, she was cautious and circumspect, so I offered her a bargain: “Come with me this very night,” I said, “And I will show you what I can do.” She was reluctant, but agreed.

I left our friend’s company and set out to find a task suitable for demonstrating my strengths. I paid a call to a certain barkeep of my acquaintance and was referred to a certain gentleman scholar who had recently had a bad turn at the gaming tables. I sought out this academic and heard from him his plight. He had, he relayed, been taken oddly and uncharacteristically with the gambling spirit one night recently and had been persuaded to throw into the kitty a journal of his researches.

You’ll understand, I’m sure, how very odd this is. Of what value to a gambler would be such a log? This I asked, and this he told to me: His work is no ordinary scholarship, but instead is a delving into the arcane and cabalistic. The details of his inquiries could be turned to dark purposes and would be of extreme interest to one with such a bent.

And what, you may wonder, would possess a man to risk such dangerous secrets, not to mention the most tangible, irreplaceable, fruits of his labors? Upon reflection, he noted that under ordinary circumstance, he would never buckle to such a suggestion. He believed that he had been alchemically compelled, and I was inclined to agree. He supplied me with all details available to him and we parted agreed that I would act on his behalf.

I visited the card room frequented by our new client, a room not unknown to me, and had words with the proprietress as well as the various staff. No single informant knew anything appreciable about the woman who had so taken advantage of our client, but taken all together I was able to assemble an intriguing impression. The villain of our piece, a Miss Naria Phin, has a gambling venue of her own, outside the environs of our fair city. Indeed, thanks to the patronage of the Hive, Miss Phin has established an exclusive sea-going gaming hall, and employs croupiers and card-dealers recruited in secret from around the city, each paid handsomely and transported to the ship by an ever-changing route, blindfolded and guarded.

This, as I’m sure you must agree, is far beyond the needs of even the most exclusive card room in the Empire. This smacks of darker purpose.

I collected myself and my assets and returned to engage with our combustible comrade. Together, we garbed ourselves in the guise of common card dealers and joined with several others at an unremarkable dock whose location had been quietly relayed to me. We gently displaced a pair of legitimate illicit employees and were, after a time, conveyed to the floating casino.

Let me tell you, my friends, never in my travels have I seen such a ship. While the massive Leviathan Hunting vessels are clad in steel, this craft was bottomed in glass! It shone like a jewel on the ink-dark ocean, with the glowing beacon of the lightning barriers of Duskwall distant on the horizon. Alys and I disappeared below decks and each departed to our tasks, she to the engine room and I to the cards.

In the casino proper, I found an odd scene. While the staff was alert and about their business, the many guests at the tables played like clockwork men, eyes glazed and brows drooping. Among them, the only gamblers alert, were Miss Naria Phin (described to me in extreme detail by our client) and two young ladies, clearly her confederates. I presented myself as a latecomer to the party, a drunk and a boor, and by my very boorishness I eluded their notice enough to eavesdrop upon their gossip. I gathered that they were passing the time until reaching a sufficient distance from the city to bring their plans to fruition. Their intention was some sort of summoning, and the notables at their tables were to be fuel for that dark work.

Soon thereafter, while miming my own stupor to evade attention, I was joined by our tinkering friend, still garbed as staff and so beneath the notice of Miss Phin and her allies. Alys related to me that at the stern of the ship she had found a second engine of some sort, quite unlike that responsible for driving the progression of the vessel. This was, she asserted, something much more diabolic. This was roundabouts the point that the ship’s motion ground to a halt. You may surmise quite correctly that our friend had been responsible for this development and quite proud of it.

To the dastardly Miss Phin, this clearly would not do, and she rapidly departed to investigate. Alys and I followed at a distance and when an opportunity presented itself, we took the license to deprive Miss Phin of her senses. We also deprived her quarters of some jewelry, sundry loose silver, and several very fine dresses. No journal was present, however.

Our next stopover was at the vessel’s strongroom. If you and I were going to secret a valuable notebook, that would be the safest place aboard, we reasoned. Though we ran into no further crew or staff, we had no luck in that place, unless you consider a large amount of loose coin lucky, which in point of fact I do.

We girded ourselves at this time, for we knew that if the required volume were anywhere aboard the craft, there remained only one possible place: the apparatus at the stern. We made our way to that vile device and found Miss Phin’s fellows there in the whipping rain and tossing surf, engaged in a ritual of dark purpose. They were discommoded by the absence of their leader, however, and consulted the very volume we sought in an attempt to compensate. As is my way (as you well know), I was struck by a Plan. I urged Alys to quickly don a gown taken from Phin and gave her my pistol. Keeping her behind me and thereby somewhat out of sight, we approached the pair to within a bare arm’s length, I with my hands aloft as if a captured prisoner. They were taken aback, thinking Alys their governor, and we pounced upon their hesitation.

I drew my second pistol and discharged it at one, but the ship bucked below us and my shot went wide. Alys, ever a gentle soul, could not bring herself to fire a weapon at a living soul, even an adversary bent upon our destruction, and instead launched her barrage at the summoning engine itself, blasting it to smoking, glowing wreckage. This just a moment too late, it seemed, for at that instant, a dozen yards-long black tentacles of a Leviathan erupted through the waves.

The exact details of the struggle thereafter are still difficult for me to recall, though certain details simply do not fade. A waterspout the height of three men conjured from the surface of the sea and cast like a child’s toy at Alys. Grappling over the book at the very brink with a beautiful girl turned to a madwoman in the lightning and spray. And finally, plunging with her into the black water, tangled in chains dangling from the shattered machine, tentacles lashing at us both.

I still do not know how I found my way back to the ship. Alys tells me that she contrived a lifeline from the mechanisms of the anchor lines and I must believe her. I will never forget sitting on the deck as the monster threatened the entire vessel and all aboard her, confronted by our own mortality. I reached deep within myself to that which is my deepest skill. “Ahoy friend,” I called to the beast. “Your quarrel, I believe, is with those ladies there.” Something passed between the creature and myself and it listened. Its vast arms snapped out and enveloped the summoners, dragging them off the deck and below the waves. It slipped out of sight.

Alys and I stole the ship’s boat and left for calmer, less populated waters. We left the ship behind us and made our way back to the city. Between us, we spread rumors and incited citizenry until we were sure that the Spirit Wardens and the populace alike would see to the apprehension of Naria Phin for unlawful arcanism and for the horrific crime of drawing a leviathan within bare eyeshot of the city harbors.

In any case, on that long, cold boat ride back to the dock, Alys extended the invitation to meet with you and your fellows as a potential cohort. I still consider myself fortunate that she joined me that night, for I have no doubt I would not have come out of the sea without her aid.

That, then, is the end of it. Though I am afraid it may not truly be an end, for I know that I was not whole when I came out of those waters. My hands were shredded by those chains that I clutched, and my blood poured out into the black sea. That beast beneath the waves has the taste of me, and I can feel it out there somewhere. I fear it can feel me as well.

I have nearly completed my business here in Iruvia. I was astonished to hear of Rorik’s death in Alys’ dispatch, and entirely un-astonished to hear of the reawakened hostility between the Sashes and the Lampblacks. I have no doubt that my old “friend” Baszo Baz is out for blood. I am eager to return and lend my hand to remedy the web of troubles plaguing our fellowship. I shall see you all soon.

I remain,

your faithful brother,

Arkady Ankhayat

The Strangford Files Caper

The Strangford Files Caper

The Strangford Files Caper

The Dead Setters’ heist is still in progress, but I had to share some highlights:

“What’s Iruvian?”

“Bitch, you almost made me laugh.”

(apologies to Chasing Amy)

I had the Spider’s player (his PC was in jail this session) provide details of the banquet menu at Lord Strangford’s masquerade ball:

– Cream of corpse soup. Made from the remains of royal pets.

– Also, “ghost liver on ethereal crackers”. We couldn’t decide if it was better if someone had actually figured out how to carve up spirits into edible chunks, or if the whole delicacy was just the cracker, but nobody wanted to say they couldn’t taste the ghost liver so the height of Brightstone cuisine is just crackers served with a heaping helping of the Emperor’s New Clothes.

Teatime (the Whisper, and the only character actually from noble stock) ended up bringing the infamous deadly dandy Roethe Kinclaithe along with him when he went to steal Strangford’s maps from his library.

On a gameplay note, this was our first session where I really pushed the Tier disparity. Strangford had access to Tier III and IV goons and locks, and I think when the Leech didn’t immediately pop open the office door with a six it hammered home that there’s still quite a ways to go to the top of Duskwall.

Strangford’s men knew not to kill anyone – who needs Spirit Wardens poking around – so they carried truncheons hooked up to battery packs. One good jab and the batteries discharge, zapping the piss out of the target. Unless they flash back to insulating their corset and burning Armor. The same discretion did not apply to the Hound, resulting in an increasingly desperate series of rolls to try to save the hapless guard’s life as he bled out and realization dawned that ZOMG CROWS NOW.


Hey yall.

Hey yall.

Hey yall. So we did our first session last night and one of the biggest questions we all had is in regards to combat. The other issue we had is in regards to planning.

Question 1:

The rules arent very specific as to how exactly combat is supposed to flow. With my background in other RPGs it was really easy for me, and also for my players to automatically fall into the typical initiative style play. Without rolling for initiative that is. So my question is how do you all end up handling combat? Is it just a group action? How do you prevent it from feeling like the characters are just trading blows with the NPCs?

Question 2:

The other thing that ended up happening is during planning, everyone started to fall into the trap of trying to plan everything out during planning, instead of just picking a plan type, and jumping into the action. How have you guys found is an effective way to maintain the quick and easy way the Blades planning system is supposed to work, while while allowing your characters to feel like they can set up something cool before hand. For example I had one player who wanted to be able to have a Red Sash uniform to use to sneak into their treasury. How muck setup should be allowed during planning, and how much should be flashbacks?

Loving the game so far, and look forward to playing more.

We live in 30 minutes on with our campaign. Would love to see you there.

We live in 30 minutes on with our campaign. Would love to see you there.

We live in 30 minutes on with our campaign. Would love to see you there.