Blades at Ettin Con! Awesome game with 6 players!! One of each playbook, classic quick start premise supplicated with the heist deck. Chargen, One score and downtime in 3 hours. Great game 😊
Blades at Ettin Con!
Blades at Ettin Con! Awesome game with 6 players!! One of each playbook, classic quick start premise supplicated with the heist deck. Chargen, One score and downtime in 3 hours. Great game 😊
So I have one group playing my Shadowrun hack that has lasted 15 sessions.
So I have one group playing my Shadowrun hack that has lasted 15 sessions. We have a finale this Sunday, so over the past few months I’ve been seeking new players for the next group, and want to try something a little different. Five different new groups have all failed in less than a session.
I often begin with describing the basic premise, the role of players, then my role, and move on to a brief on the core mechanic. This includes a transition into Stress and its uses/recovery. I also cover Resistance and it’s versatility. Then I return to the fiction, presenting the starting situation and likely directions for play. We talk about the characters and then—-
brick wall.
They suddenly don’t know what to do. They are suddenly afraid to act. They start asking about which equipment they have. They all seem to have not been listening at all! Like, one person will do something, and as soon as there is a consequence, they stop acting. They don’t ask to resist (they take the beating, and get upset), and others don’t spend their stress (until the end of the session), and still others fail to engage the fiction at all (they just call out an Action name and throw down their dice, then later complain they weren’t engaged). Worst case (and this happened!) a player waited in an imaginary line permanently, never taking meaningful action, thinking I must address them before they could act.
Do I take extra time to cover the concept (like read them the headings from Players Best Practices and briefly explain their meaning ahead of time) or chock it up to bad players. Maybe a list of required reading will alleviate some of this. Little help?
Started our first game last night and can’t wait to see where my guys take me.
Started our first game last night and can’t wait to see where my guys take me.
We only got character and crew creation finished but TNT (Totally Not Thieves) are a motley crew.
The only real criminal is a young Slider who is an orphan that grew up in various criminal gangs and is now looking to have more control over his fate.
Muscle is provided by a large Severos native (although he was a foundling and has Skovlan features) who ran away to sea and was encountered by our Slider while he was fighting in bars for small change. He accepted the Slider’s offer to make more money with less punches to the face, and joined the Crew.
The third member of the crew is a drop out from an alchemical college who has been cut off by his family and owes the school money. He had encountered the Slider in his wastrel sojourns to the dockside bars (student life eh) and drifted into the crew for a bit of security and a chance to earn some money.
Can I just say John Harper, that this sheet in particular (and all the prompt sheets in general) are bloody…
Can I just say John Harper, that this sheet in particular (and all the prompt sheets in general) are bloody brililant! Thanks so much for taking the time to create them.
I’m slowly getting ‘staid’ in my descriptions of ephemera and the mundane in Doskvol. Tending to use the same old same old. These sheets save my arse EVERY time from becoming a boring ol’ scene framer or director of photography in our game 🙂
Maybe Nathan Rockwood could make a GM’s Apprentice set of Cards paricularly for Blades?
The Dead Setters tricked the Reconciled into assaulting a fake spirit well and then hanged the Whisper’s contact in the Bustin’ Makes Me Feel Good Caper.
Although you could also call this session the My God, It’s Full of Sixes Caper.
Our previous session ended with the gang getting frantic word that their Coalridge spirit well was under attack by organized ghosts, assisted/led by at least one living person. That made getting into this session pretty quick, since the situation was there and the players were reacting. I framed the score as a sort of “reverse score”, where the score was to protect turf, and the engagement roll wouldn’t be how well the enemy had planned to attack the spirit well initially, but how prepared they’d be against the Dead Setters’ inevitable response.
The plan? Deception. The method? Build a decoy spirit well.
So that worked pretty well (six). The attacking spirits and their handler, Flint (Teatime the Whisper’s rival) were completely flummoxed (a six on engagement), and while the ghosts had been getting the upper hand on the Dead Setters’ thugs, the arrival of the gang leaders quickly turned the tide (all sixes to command, ghost-punch, or banish the attackers).
Flint and his two hired whispers, Coil and Ruby, fled. They tried to cover their trail by dropping chokedust behind them but Deemo the Leech had downed quicksilver at the start of the battle. Now she gathered her will and commanded the remaining ghosts to capture those cowards. She critted, naturally, and we cut to basically this, if you swapped out the forest for a shitty basement:
Although a Devil’s Bargain would end with Flint and his two cronies dead badly enough to ding the gang the +2 Heat for killing, they learned the following before “threatening to hang” turned into “hangings for real reals”:
1. They were attacked by the Reconciled.
2. The Reconciled are enemies with the Dimmer Sisters.
3. They have some loyal pawns/possessees within the Path of Echoes (important to the Hound, since she’s trying to become an adept).
4. They are led by (maybe) a quorum which is (maybe) led in turn by Tamar, the Last and First Empress of Skovland, sort-of survivor of the Cataclysm and first to discover the means to retain one’s mind as a ghost. Maybe. That was one of the few middle-of-the-road results they got.
5. They are at -1 faction status with the Reconciled now. 🙂
6. Level 2 harm is much worse than level 1 harm, but that Attune crit was pretty awesome so maybe drinking quicksilver was worth it?
7. Teatime has a Krull glaive he can control with the ghost field or something.
I think we’re where we want to be with the game now too. I feel comfortable enough with butchering John’s setting that we’re finally getting into the high supernatural stuff I think we wanted from the get-go*. There are two demons loose on the city, the current stable of foes and allies are the weirder ones, like the Reconciled, Dimmer Sisters, and Path of Echoes, and most every PC is equipped for ghostbusting.
*But I wanted to ease into things and get our feet wet with “regular” gangs. We’re past that now.
I’m gonna be showing off my Alpha playtest group’s “Season 2” at 6:30 Eastern Time.
I’m gonna be showing off my Alpha playtest group’s “Season 2” at 6:30 Eastern Time. If I get done setting up faster than FOREVER, we’ll just go live and chat about whatever until 6:30.
Will our crew’s first level of Torment cause great and terrible manifestations? What Devil’s Bargains will you give us? Tempt us into darkness ye who dwell in chat!
Playing some blades with some Sean Nittner ‘s Vigilante crew going on. Come watch us!
Playing some blades with some Sean Nittner ‘s Vigilante crew going on. Come watch us!
Go, Devil Hunters, Go!
Go, Devil Hunters, Go!
The Noble Order of Crows is a benefit society in charge of supporting the Charterhall University collegiate street rugby team, the Devil Hunters.
What happens when our scoundrels win a match against the Whitecrown Hippokrakens that they were suppose to lose!
With: Gary Montgomery Andi Carrison Johnstone Metzger and Jeremy Tidwell
The Dead Setters framed their Spider’s nemesis for demon summoning and illegal spirit chicanery in the Let’s Go To Prison Caper.
Richter, the Spider, already did a stint in Ironhook thanks to Jennah, his former partner/rookie when he was an Inspector. He had been working towards repaying the favor but needed something bad enough to get an actual for-real Inspector thrown into jail. The remnants of the Crows provided the ammunition when they inadvertently released Ahazu, a demon, from Lord Strangford’s family crypts. The Setters had arranged for the Inspectors to get there, not the Bluecoats.
The next piece of the puzzle was to get Jennah’s support structure out of the way. Several great gather info rolls and some legwork revealed that she had contacts within the Gray Cloaks (for underworld tipoffs) and a contact in the Skovlan Consulate (for political tipoffs). The gang didn’t want to hit her Gray Cloak contact, since the two gangs were friendly, so they shadowed Jennah and trailed her to a clandestine meeting with Skinner, her Skovlander contact. They were meeting at a power substation in Dunslough, a noisy, cramped, near-abandoned industrial nightmare of steam pipes and deadly, confusing machinery and catwalks. A 6 on engagement made this a perfect spot for an ambush.
Seriously guys, 6s on engagement rolls are pretty great. As a GM, I don’t really like seeing them but it’s not all about me, is it? 🙂
With the initiative and the high ground, the Dead Setters make quick work of both Skinner and his bodyguards and Jennah’s Inspectors, although I will say this fight resulted in the most harm I’ve ever dealt to the PCs, mainly because instead of gunshots and stabbings I was having them fall off catwalks and into exploding steam pipes and electrical conduits, trying to dish out different ideas for damage as well as separating them out fictionally.
In the end, they left Jennah alive but wounded, then hit her with this ghost-bait stuff the guys thought up previously. Spirits started in on the Inspector, and although her spiritbane charm would protect her, Jennah would be arrested for consorting with and trading spirits. The Bluecoats had a LTP for investigating her, and she had a LTP for blocking their investigation. However, without her contacts in place, and the extra evidence, AND a little push from Richter during downtime, Jennah was convicted, stripped of rank, and sent to Ironhook.
Downtime saw Raven, the Hound, choose to keep on her LTP for learning the Path of Echoes’ secrets rather than Recover. That’s a bold way to earn that XP for having your trauma (obsessed) cause trouble!
Teatime the Whisper, during his LTP to worm his way back into high society’s good graces, had the misfortune to accidentally participate in a combination noble wedding/summoning ritual. Certain shady nobles thought it’d be a good idea to summon a demon under their control to take down Ahazu. They fucked up and got something called The Burned King, who promptly left the venue, clearly not under anyone’s control. This is my homage to Perdido Street Station, with the crazy attempts to stop the slakemoths.
We ended the session with the gang getting word that their spirit well had been hit by an organized force of ghosts and one human intent on breaking through their lightning barriers. Retaliation is nigh.
I think we’re finally getting to that point in a campaign where the players are driving most of it, and we’ve seen enough of their characters come forward that I can start pushing on their goals and personalities and setting up opposition there rather than just having a “gang of the week” moment. For example, Raven’s trying to get in good with the Path of Echoes. She’s chosen to frame her LTP “rise within the cult” as a series of assassinations against enemies of the Path. Our group’s Leech, Deemo, happens to have Malista, a priestess (not of the Path), as a contact. Deemo’s also got Father Yorren (Weeping Lady) as a vice purveyor. I’m toying with the idea that one of these could be Raven’s “final exam”.