We wrapped up our ghostlines prequel campaign last night – here are the end-titles I put together.
Music by Jack de Quidt for Friends at the Table, used without permission. Buy his great music! https://notquitereal.bandcamp.com/
We had a good time! We ended up with a range of retirement outcomes from two linebulls in mansions through to one in a flophouse and one in a modest home.
We also did an “epilogue roll”, where each player stated a desired life-goal for their character and rolled 1d6 to see how close they came. They could then spend stash at a rate of 10 for a +1 to improve their outcome, basically sacrificing material wealth to pursue their goals. Because this was a prequel game, these epilogues will feed into the upcoming Blades in the Dark campaign set 40 years after. One character started a guild of criminal fixers, one started an alchemical tonic manufactory, the third became a famous celebrity and war-hero, and the fourth became a vampire with absolutely no money.