The third of our Ghost Lines prequel recap-newspapers.

The third of our Ghost Lines prequel recap-newspapers.

The third of our Ghost Lines prequel recap-newspapers. The linebulls cut the wires on the train so that they could smuggle a man across the border into Skovlan – the exiled Lord Aldric and his daughter Alayne.


– Last session the team made a choice that led to their mentor falling off the train and dying. This time he came back as a ghost and lured one of the bulls into a deep forest inside the train where they had a tense conversation. The railjack opened the valve on his lightning oil canister and got away in a shower of electroplasm, but I’m sure that’s not the last we’ll see of the dead mentor.

– A demon showed up in the form of a titanic white owl to harass the train.

– The team briefly got on the wrong side of a spirit warden, and so they saw their first example of someone compelling/commanding a ghost.

– Booker visited a skov fishing village protected by runic standing stones, where an old woman helped him complete his ghost-tea recipe.

I’ve been reading Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, which has been really helpful in adding more surrealism and the subtly-disturbing end of supernatural encounters (rather than just gonzo ghost-busting all the time).