Rule Clarification: Reduce Harm with Armor after Resist?

Rule Clarification: Reduce Harm with Armor after Resist?

Rule Clarification: Reduce Harm with Armor after Resist?

Never played BitD yet…prepping for first session and reading rules.

Confused by examples on pages 32 and 33 of the book.

On page 32, Silas resists Harm to reduce harm from Level 3 (“Gut Stabbed”) to Level 2 (“Cut to the Ribs”). Makes sense.

On page 33, “If you have a type of armor that applies to the situation, you can mark an armor box to reduce or avoid a consequence, instead of rolling to resist. Silas is taking level 2 harm, “Cut to the Ribs,” and the fight isn’t even over yet, so Ian decides to use Silas’s armor to reduce the harm. He marks the armor box and the harm becomes level 1, “Bruised.”

Makes perfect sense that I can use armor to reduce Harm…but that rule on Page 33 makes it sound like the opportunity to decide to use Armor was passed when the decision was made to resist. The example then further reduces the Harm that was already reduced as a result of a successful resist roll.

If this is correct, does that mean that I can choose to use my Armor if I fail to resist as well?

What am I missing?

Starting Stress Boxes Reference?

Starting Stress Boxes Reference?

Starting Stress Boxes Reference?

Where in Blades v8 does it actually state that characters have 9 stress boxes to start?

I’ve managed to pick it up by inference from descriptions of The Hound’s Survivor ability and from looking at character sheets in a separate document (Blade v8 sheets), that I didn’t have to begin with, but I don’t actually see it discussed anywhere in the rule book.

Did I miss it?