Anyone doing Blades: Amber?

Anyone doing Blades: Amber?

Anyone doing Blades: Amber? A crew that’s a scion or two plus a badass retinue, a shadow sorcerer, pet military strategist, third cousin with a bit of chaos blood and a penchant for “disguise”.

The advancement grid would be useful shadows, weird insights (like the pattern behind the pattern), funky shadow road to the courts of chaos. Rub the serial numbers off, and you can make it a bit like a tech tree, with some of the routes winding up at other pattern/logrus-like ‘poles’ of reality.

Modern-day Blades, pulling off quite a fancy heist. 4 coin, and then some!

Modern-day Blades, pulling off quite a fancy heist. 4 coin, and then some!

Modern-day Blades, pulling off quite a fancy heist. 4 coin, and then some!