The Waistcoat Whalers finally pushed the Red Sashes over the edge, and they’re now at war. What methods have you all used to figure out when the war is over? I’m considering having two clocks – one for the crew to use to get the Sashes in a desparate position, where they can strike the finishing blow. Another to track when the Sashes (who are also at war w/ the Lampblacks – I’m using parts of the starting situation, now that we’re a ways into our own story) decide they’ve had enough and decide to strike back.
I figure after every mission the crew takes on against the Sashes (to steal territory, do harm to them for the Lampblacks, steal supplies – they’re Hawkers after all) I’d roll a fortune die to see how far the first clock moves.
Not sure when I’d have the second clock move – keep waffling between basically having it progress (with a fortune die) every session as long as they’re at war, ro maybe only when they attack the Sashes.
What do you think? Any other ideas?