First of all, love the game, it’s the best modern RPG I’ve played, and everyone in my group is having a great time…

First of all, love the game, it’s the best modern RPG I’ve played, and everyone in my group is having a great time…

First of all, love the game, it’s the best modern RPG I’ve played, and everyone in my group is having a great time so far.

I did have a question about Smugglers though regarding Hunting Grounds. I couldn’t find this answered anywhere else, and ran into this during my game the other night.

Every other Crew type has both:

Hunting Grounds (substituted for something else in the case of Cults and Hawkers also).

A Favored Operation type (even Cults and Hawkers have operation types listed here).

The bonus says it activates when both the score takes place within the hunting grounds, and is of the favored operation.

But for Smugglers, it says they have Cargo Types instead of Hunting Grounds, which would be fine, except then instead of Operation Types, it just lists cargo types again, with some examples.

This seems like an error, or i’m just missing something. If this is Intended, does that mean they get the bonus for every operation that involved that favored cargo type, regardless of where it’s happening? That would be a much stronger bonus than any other type of crew gets. Did I miss something?

Thanks for anyone who can help clear up the confusion!