Heh. For people who want a cool gun in Blades, here’s an idea.

Heh. For people who want a cool gun in Blades, here’s an idea.

Heh. For people who want a cool gun in Blades, here’s an idea.



Hey, guys!

Hey, guys!

Hey, guys! So I’ve started the process of creating a sort of “Gang Glossary” that lists basically all of the player groups for Blades in the Dark that I can find. Mostly, it’s for a personal project and that I like reading the actual play reports, but scrolling through the entirety of the actual play section is….. mindblowingly exhausting.

But, and here is the important part, I would like all of you to help by posting links to your own actual play reports, or play reports that you follow!

The way it’s going to work is, that the gangs are going to be listed in alphabetical order. Then, the actual plays, whether they be blogs, google docs, or youtube vods(or Twitch vods if they don’t have to be subscribers), would be listed underneath in bulletin format, chronologically. Preferably, if someone else is adding, what I would like is for it to be done by just writing in whatever the session title is(even if it is just Session X), and then just hyperlinking the title to the report, vod, etc.

Currently, I have just added the Bloodletters, Doskvol Spectral Society, and the Theives’ Cant from Sean Nittner’s Actual Plays. The reason I linked the Bloodletters to Sean’s website instead of John Harper’s youtube is because Sean’s website includes the videos.

I’m about to go back and link in the Last Word, which is the group John GM’s for itmejp’s Rollplay show. These will be the youtube vods because you have to be a sub to watch them on JP’s channel. After that, I’ll be adding in all of the other groups from Sean’s actual plays.

If I did it right, the document should be open so anyone who wants to edit in a new gang, or a new session, then they should be able to do so.

Personally, I don’t mind if it is a one shot or not. Please, feel free to add them.

This is not meant to replace the Actual Plays section of the Google + Community, and in fact, I still encourage everyone to post there. This is simply meant to be an appendix of sorts. It is meant to operate off links.

So, without further ado,


So just as a general question idea, I’ve heard recently that Blades in the Dark originally started out as a Dungeon…

So just as a general question idea, I’ve heard recently that Blades in the Dark originally started out as a Dungeon…

So just as a general question idea, I’ve heard recently that Blades in the Dark originally started out as a Dungeon World campaign? Or that the campaign created the world for it, something like that? Does anyone know where I can perhaps find a summary or vod of the campaign?

John Harper, I remember during the Bloodletters series, Adam was asking about how Cantor might get Dishonored-like…

John Harper, I remember during the Bloodletters series, Adam was asking about how Cantor might get Dishonored-like…

John Harper, I remember during the Bloodletters series, Adam was asking about how Cantor might get Dishonored-like powers to Blink and whatnot. I was just wondering how this could be done.

So what are some stories about PCs who have become long-term possessed by ghosts, demons, etc?

So what are some stories about PCs who have become long-term possessed by ghosts, demons, etc?

So what are some stories about PCs who have become long-term possessed by ghosts, demons, etc? How do you handle it? Are there any playbook hacks?

So I’m wanting to write a fanfic about a whisper tinker who likes to make tiny hulls and gets wrapped in a Shadows…

So I’m wanting to write a fanfic about a whisper tinker who likes to make tiny hulls and gets wrapped in a Shadows…

So I’m wanting to write a fanfic about a whisper tinker who likes to make tiny hulls and gets wrapped in a Shadows crew as a spy/Q-type of figure. But I’m not sure what is a good situation for the spontaneous creation of a crew for spying.

What are some situations you might have encountered in your sessions, or created, or read/saw/heard about somewhere else?

While I’m also thinking about it, what are some ideas for how ghosts can rise and escape the Spirit Wardens? As I understand it, the Deathseeker Crows simply say “Someone died here”, not “Here be ghosts”. And there has to be a subtle yet easy to find approach for ghosts to evade capture. After all, the Reconciled are supposed to be an entire faction of peaceful ghosts. Do they just fade into the ghost fields, like Hollows leaving the real world in Bleach? Again, what are some ideas you, your friends, and playgroups have come up with?