Ran session 1 of a Scum and Villainy campaign last night and it went really well.

Ran session 1 of a Scum and Villainy campaign last night and it went really well.

Ran session 1 of a Scum and Villainy campaign last night and it went really well. I’m setting it in a homebrew setting. How many systems to you guys tend to run? I’d like to have more than the book, but with Heat being tracked in each system it seems like the players could just keep outrunning consequences if they had too many. Do other GMs keep the number of systems on the smaller side, or do you use other things to give them incentives to keep heat down/stay local? I can see new start up costs, getting new contacts, etc. being used for that.

I’m thinking about using Blades (or a hack) for a West Marches style campaign.

I’m thinking about using Blades (or a hack) for a West Marches style campaign.

I’m thinking about using Blades (or a hack) for a West Marches style campaign. My play group is great, but it’s been really tough to schedule everybody at the same time. This way I could run it once or twice a month, moving the onus of scheduling on the players. If I have at least two players, we’ll run a session. If you can make it, you’re in on the score. If not, you’re off doing something else. Seems like the game structure would lend itself really well to this, but is there anything I’m missing? Potential pitfalls? Anyone else tried this?

Edit: To clarify, I’m looking more at the West Marches style of scheduling – players pick a date and you run encapsulated sessions so that you can manage with those who show up and it’s easy for those who miss session to jump back in. Not necessarily the exploration aspect. The structure of scores made me think Blades could work.