

Hi! I’m playing a Blades campaign at the moment and a friend whose rolling a Hull had a few question that he was hoping someone here could answer (he doesn’t have a Google profile). SO I’d appreciate any help you guys could give!

1) Hulls are not mentioned to have special harm recovery rules but it seems most likely they would. Is it fair to assume they can’t ‘tough it out’ and heal over time themselves (rolling 0d)

It sound dubious they would benefit from someone having ‘Physiker’ in their crew, ‘Artificer’ on the other hand seems like it would have the same benefit to a Hull as ‘Physiker’ would to a human. Toughts?

2) Drain/wear questions. The playbook rules on page 216 mention the Hull to have 10 drain boxes and clear drain by 5 with a down time action. The new Hull playbook sheet still has the old ‘Reduce drain by half, rounded down’ rule.

2a) Since the text specifically states a new rule over an old one, is it fair to assume Hulls no longer use the ‘halved, rounded down’ rule?

2b) If the Hull now clears 5 drain per down time action, can it overindulge?

2c) There is no mention of the Hull having 5 wear boxes (from older versions), only 4 show on the new sheet. Is 4 the new correct number?

2d) It was mentioned long ago wear could be removed with a long term project, is this still viable in the final version?

2e) Having a second frame. How would harm and wear be treated? Is harm and wear specific to a singular frame, could one switch between two of them ‘while the other is in the shop for repairs’, as it were?

3) The Hull playbook sheet notes the hull can carry 7 load before it is considered ‘heavy’, this is not mentioned in text anywhere. Is this correct? (the regular playbook sheets state 6+ and the vampire states simply 6 for heavy load)

4) Frame features. It is not specified that a particular frame can only use a limited amount of features at a given time, the playbook sheet however has two per frame size in their respective ‘grouping’ and the words ‘you may swap out your features with a downtime action’. Is it safe to assume each frame can only have two ‘active’ features going at a time?

Thanks all!