Welcome to a Liar’s Gazetteer of Duskwall!

Welcome to a Liar’s Gazetteer of Duskwall!

Welcome to a Liar’s Gazetteer of Duskwall! Here are musings and observations from my mind’s eye of our favorite industrial fantasy city. Originally started in my Maps thread, I’ve moved it here to its own thread, where the original posts will be re-presented, along with completely new content. As always, use, abuse, ignore as you will!

Hey, Everybody!

Hey, Everybody!

Hey, Everybody!

Brad Elliott here. I’m a former game designer in my own right – worked on such games like Unhallowed Metropolis and Weapons of the Gods and a few others – and have decided to make a gift of a complete set of Duskwall Maps to the community. While everything (mostly) is here from my own inspiration and game intentions, it is all reconfigurable to your own use – you don’t have to stay with the choices I’ve made for the glyphs and so forth… copy this set and make it your own! I ask that you leave the original set here for others to copy from, but do what you will with this, and may it help you with your Blades in the Dark games.


Hey, +John Harper – I took the liberty of emailing OneBookShelf with the idea I mentioned on RPG.net, referring to…

Hey, +John Harper – I took the liberty of emailing OneBookShelf with the idea I mentioned on RPG.net, referring to…

Hey, +John Harper – I took the liberty of emailing OneBookShelf with the idea I mentioned on RPG.net, referring to the Compendium of the stretch goals:

“Is it possible for a number of individual writers to give their permission to print their individual works in a single softcover book, and receive their shares of the proceeds from an account of a POD publisher such as DriveThru?”

And was told that such a thing is not only possible, but is easily done by splitting royalties using the publishing interface. While it’s been years since I’ve had a publisher account – my Eos Press days long gone, after all – I still thought it worth asking.

Anyhoo, ignore or use with my blessings – just trying to help.  🙂