Hey, Everybody!

Hey, Everybody!

Hey, Everybody!

Brad Elliott here. I’m a former game designer in my own right – worked on such games like Unhallowed Metropolis and Weapons of the Gods and a few others – and have decided to make a gift of a complete set of Duskwall Maps to the community. While everything (mostly) is here from my own inspiration and game intentions, it is all reconfigurable to your own use – you don’t have to stay with the choices I’ve made for the glyphs and so forth… copy this set and make it your own! I ask that you leave the original set here for others to copy from, but do what you will with this, and may it help you with your Blades in the Dark games.


29 thoughts on “Hey, Everybody!”

  1. Thank you so much, Brad Elliott!

    I am running two Blades games right now and these will definitely see some use.  I love the spirit of fan-made stuff this game seems to engender.

    I’m a big fan of Weapons of the Gods too. That world-building persistent lore stuff reminds me of features I enjoy in games like Blades in the Dark, Risk Legacy, Giants, Stars Without Number and so many others.  Not enough games have built upon the cool stuff that Weapons of the Gods suggests.

  2. You’re all very welcome! Oh, and here’s the first of a series: Brad Elliott’s Versions of Duskwall Places – use or ignore or modify as you will, as you do with the maps!

  3. The Undercross is an ancient catacomb of unknown origin found below the central square of the slum of Charhollow. The remnants of an old crossroads (the ‘cross’) marks its existence on the surface. Known primarily to mystics, the catacombs are singular in their privacy for quiet consultations – as scrying of any sort into the area always fails. The best-known access is found below The Old Rasp Tavern. Needless to say, the locals are prone to selling information on those who come and go to the catacombs for food or a bit of money…

  4. The Black Circle in Nightmarket is not so very old. When you check on the oldest architectural plans in the City Hall, it is not shown; but its appearance seems to dovetail with the building of the nearby Church of the Ecstasy of the Flesh. Whatever the truth of the matter, the Circle itself is made of closely-fitted black marble tiles that arc around the central plaza of the ward – just wide enough for a single person to walk on, as if they were a path. Indeed, the guttersnipes taunt each other to ‘walk the Black Circle’… and needless to say, some of those who try, vanish. Of course, that is more of a comment on their lifespan than any malignity of mere black tiles. In any event, the Black Circle is the meeting place for those who wish to rendevous at a well-known landmark. The area is lit with dim yellow lamps, rather than electric light, and while it is prone to pickpockets, is otherwise a good place to meet. Interestingly, no buskers or cart-merchants will ever set up inside the perimeter of the Black Circle itself, muttering that it is ‘bad luck’ to do so.

  5. Heartbreak Square is the plaza within the arc of the set of buildings in Charterhall that form the city’s bureaucracy. While the Lord Governor and his Council rule Duskwall… City Hall runs it. Which brings us to the square. It is so named because unless they have patronage from within the buildings, petitioners are not, by law, custom and tradition, allowed to wait indoors. No, they wait outdoors, in the weather and the rain. In Heartbreak Square. According to the laws savagely enforced by the Bluecoats, they are also not allowed to put up shelters of any kind. Really, their only recourse is to have an advocate scribe a writ of personal agency and hand it off to a trusted friend or associate while they go off to sleep. Of course, cart-merchants make a lot of money from selling to the hapless waiting in the square, who might wait, days, weeks months… and in some cases, years for their cases to be heard or moved through. Advocates able to move you up from the Square into the relevant building are very expensive in coin… though most are willing to assist in exchange for certain favors… never discussed in the open.

  6. I am thinking of starting a new G+ thread for my City Locations – I’m thinking of calling it a “Liar’s Gazetteer of Duskwall”, so it’s all separate from the Maps thread. What thinks thou, oh Community? +1s are good as votes. 🙂

  7. Hope to hear about it! Also, the Liar’s Gazetteer of Duskwall thread has begun, with new content mixed with the old. Find out what my mind’s eye sees of Gaddoc Rail Station! Warning: It’s spooooky.  😀

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