So, pretty dumb question.

So, pretty dumb question.

So, pretty dumb question. I go into the Blades in the Dark Digital Download page, and I see there are lot of “files” to download.


Blades v8 Distribution II

Special Edition Pledge Download

Special Edition Pledge Download #2

Special Edition Pledge Download #3

Special Edition Pledge Download #4

Blades in the Dark Digital Rewards Download of Standard

Do I need all of them? From what I see, they are zip and some of the downloads seems to point to the same file.

What I have to download, to finally enjoy the final PDF?

“A score yields 1 rep per Tier of the target and a

“A score yields 1 rep per Tier of the target and a

“A score yields 1 rep per Tier of the target and a

coin reward based on the nature of the operation

(see list at right).”

Well, I feel this rule is quite broken. Let’s take a noob crew, doing his first jobs, vs. tier 1 enemies. It takes forever to get the tier 1. Then, when you start to do jobs vs. tier 2 enemies, you go up in about 4 or 5 missions (also, probably you gained Turf in the meanwhile, so you need fewer Rep to go up).

Then, when you’ll fight vs tier 3 enemies, you’ll go up in a couple of missions.

I’m quite astonished about that.

Of course, I’d could suggest you should use a rule like: A score yelds 1 rep it your target is inferior, 2 rep if your target is on par with your crew, 3 rep if your target is above your crew.

(or, something like that)

People, give me some fast advice about the “Quality” part of the Crew Sheet (v4 rules).

People, give me some fast advice about the “Quality” part of the Crew Sheet (v4 rules).

People, give me some fast advice about the “Quality” part of the Crew Sheet (v4 rules).

I see “Gear”, “Implements”, “Supply” and “Tools”. I see these 4 words as synonyms, really similar each other.

Could you help me to differentiate them for my players, helping them to choose one of another? 

About the downtime action Vice + Lost.

About the downtime action Vice + Lost.

About the downtime action Vice + Lost. Of course, my players end with lot of stress, often low coins, and lot of things to do. So when they need to remove lot of stress, they use Vice + Lost. They prepared a second PC, and they use it in the next mission. Then, when they return with the 2nd character, they use Vice + Lost, and they regain the 1st character again.

Is this a viable method to rain at least 6 Stress “easily”? Also, this let them to avoid the other options.

About the advancements.

About the advancements.

About the advancements. I feel it’s very easy to get the Playbook special abilities: the players rolls a lot during the mission, so they get lot of XPs for their “favorite” actions attempted, for their Desperate rolls, and for expressing their character’s various aspects.

On the opposite, it’s VERY difficult to simply get a single Dot in the skills list! First of all, they should have 3 Crew upgrades (if they want to have the chance to train… and of course every character want different Training area!), and the Crew is rarely upgraded! So, a lot of missions before to have even a single Training crew upgrade, a lot more to get the 3 different upgrades.

THEN, even if they choose to Train in Downtime (rare, ’cause they often have to remove Stress AND Harm, pretty long and difficult process), however, even if they choose the Train action, they need to choose it 6 times to get a Dot! So, about 6 missions for a dot!

How you are facing that in your games?

Ola people. I finally tried (as GM) a couple of BitD sessions.

Ola people. I finally tried (as GM) a couple of BitD sessions.

Ola people. I finally tried (as GM) a couple of BitD sessions. 

I’d like to give my impressions, because I’d like to contribute for a better final game. Also, I ask for clarifications, and express my doubts, hoping for a better understanding of the system.

Of course, I already wrote my impressions before (it was the first quickstart PDF, I think), however now I actually played it, so I created an open, modifiable Google Doc, where I can note my “struggles”, requests etc.

If you want to take a look at, check the link. Also, feel free to reply and/or add other interesting points, so John Harper can have them in a single place (I don’t know if there are similar docs around).

Alchemist: You can tinker with chemicals and arcane substances

Alchemist: You can tinker with chemicals and arcane substances

Alchemist: You can tinker with chemicals and arcane substances 

to create poisons, drugs, and mixtures that produce supernatural 

effects. Answer the GM’s questions to create the substance (page 25).

I can’t see anything at pag. 25. That it the same page of that character sheet, indeed.

I think could be useful to put in “player reference” page a table with the Teamwork actions, and the related results…

I think could be useful to put in “player reference” page a table with the Teamwork actions, and the related results…

I think could be useful to put in “player reference” page a table with the Teamwork actions, and the related results if applied.

There’s plenty of space in that page 🙂