Very interesting video, and very relevant to Blades in the Dark given its actions rather than skills. From what I can tell, all of the actions are hard verbs (though not necessarily something people would do in their normal lives, they are things we are always exposed to characters doing).
This is making me think about my own hack, where I do have the action Investigate. Maybe it would be better served as Examine? Investigate suggests ambiguity… What might I find out? How do I do it? Examine, on the other hand, can be done in much the same ways as Investigate, but the end result is that a fact will be gleaned.
My take away from this as a gm has little to do with study, skirmish, survey actions and more to do with how I present my scores to my players. I personally find it quite usefull there as his advice can give weight to the score.
Matt’s videos are great.