So… on 0d, you can’t roll a 6 right? Only a crit (correct me if I’m wrong)

So… on 0d, you can’t roll a 6 right? Only a crit (correct me if I’m wrong)

So… on 0d, you can’t roll a 6 right? Only a crit (correct me if I’m wrong)

What’s the design thinking behind the jump between You do it at a consequence, and you do it with extra effect?

17 thoughts on “So… on 0d, you can’t roll a 6 right? Only a crit (correct me if I’m wrong)”

  1. True, but you’re only supposed to keep one six for any other dice pool as well. Idk I like the idea that you either fuck it up in varying levels cuz ur bad at it, or you beginner’s luck the thing and do it stunningly well.

  2. Like how a Whisper might have training for how to and how not to Attune effectively, and they’re bound, suspended in a web of “if, thens” according to their occult philosophies and procedures. A beginner, might just have an astounding, orgasmically sharp, hyper 3-dimensional vision of a ghost echo, or just about nothing at all.

  3. (It feels really good to be rewarded w/ extra effect for a 1/36 result, I think someone in my group once acquired their former A-team as an asset by roll 0d and critical successing. It was really cool.)

  4. I had wondered about this and came up with a different approach.  For 0d, roll two dice, use the lowest.  If that’s a 6, you get to roll another die; if that’s also a 6, you crit.  So it’s 1 in 216, but possible.

  5. (Warning! Mad legalistic gibbering ahead. I don’t think it’s that important; I’m being pretty silly about this, but I’m having fun talking about dice. Don’t stay in the loop unless you’re having fun nitpicking about dice like I am.)

    The way I read the rules, when REALLY scrutinizing about the wording, It seems to say in v5 on page 5 that “If you roll multiple 6s, it’s a critical success.” and I don’t see that idea contradicted anywhere.for the 0d situation. Also, the “It’s the single lowest result, ergo no crits” argument doesn’t make any sense because the wording on the other hand is “single highest result” Which would mean nobody ever rolls crits when they’re rolling 2d6+ either. 

    ✞ERGO I AM PROVEN RIGHT TAKE THAT TAKE MY DOGMA AND YOU CAN START WITH THE SUPPLICATIONS AND REPENTING NOW✞ 😛 (Thank you everyone in the Blades community for dealing w/ my fantastical delusions and nonsense. I perpetually wish every single one of you the best.)

  6. Sorry mate, it’s order of operations. 🙂

    It’s best 1 of (worst 1 of 2d6)  🙂

    By the time you are taking the best, you’ve onyl got one die.   You don’t get to skip taking the lowest just because you’re rolling two and dropping one.

    Either reading could be considered legit, but your reading seems like mashing the steps together to me.

  7. The book doesn’t specify, and your reading is possible, Adam. But I think “keep only one die” on a 0d roll is the more supported interpretation.

    Still, both ways work in play, so use whichever you like.

  8. Yeah, I’m convinced now. The fact that 1d can’t crit is a good point. 1d shouldn’t suffer alone like that, I’ll let 0d be its friend that just can’t crit either, then they both can feel a little bit better.

    (Also, I’m REALLY tempted to have a passive-aggressive inside joke in the text of my Blades hack when it says you can crit on 0d. 😛 We’ll see if I can stay stubborn enough to make that dream a reality.)

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