I know its for another totally unique game. But DAMN, all I can see is Blades archetypes. Mr. Gray’s art  is awesome.

I know its for another totally unique game. But DAMN, all I can see is Blades archetypes. Mr. Gray’s art  is awesome.

I know its for another totally unique game. But DAMN, all I can see is Blades archetypes. Mr. Gray’s art  is awesome.

Originally shared by Jonny Gray

12 thoughts on “I know its for another totally unique game. But DAMN, all I can see is Blades archetypes. Mr. Gray’s art  is awesome.”

  1. Hit John R. Davis or Jonny Gray up. Soon methinks.

    As Jonny says:

    “A roleplaying game set in a fictional world, taking inspiration from the 1600’s to the Napoleonic era, using a hacked D20 ruleset.”

  2. Cheers chaps! And thanks for the share Nathan Roberts!

    One of my school mates Kickstarted Blades in the Dark and we can’t wait to start playing!

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