Looking for opinions: I’m running a one-shot tomorrow.

Looking for opinions: I’m running a one-shot tomorrow.

Looking for opinions: I’m running a one-shot tomorrow. It’ll be long enough for probably 2-4 Jobs, depending how things go. One complication: because it’s explicitly a one shot, I don’t want to mess around with advancement, so I’m considering redeeming stress in lieu of XP when it comes up. Anyone tried something like this?

And beyond that, any one-shot-specific tips?

3 thoughts on “Looking for opinions: I’m running a one-shot tomorrow.”

  1. Rob Donoghue For a one-shot.

    Characters: I usually have “Builds” available. Harper has things like this in the book, but I find that it changes character creation from 1 of my 4 hours to very fast in-game, in-play. I also have a little handout with some main NPCs and factions for the starting position. So I ask people a key question (are you a close fighting specialist, or a demolitions expert cutter? here’s some choices, here’s some factions you may be friends with).

    Crews: I pre-select a crew (or three) and write a short starting scene (if you look at the crews for S&V this is what I do for ships). And I usually have suggested crew packages or abilities (James this week for BBC actually took to deleting any powers from the sheets that are great long term, but not great choices for a one-shot).

    Downtime: For downtime I only put down immediately useful actions. So reduce heat, long term projects, training and the like go by the wayside.

    Advancement: Depending on how many hours you run for XP I generally time it so that I give 1 dot after the first scene/chase/opener. 1 ability after donwtime. And if anyone has any xp stashed I give them another ability (via desparate actions etc). This skips xp triggers and other stuff and lets them play around a bit more.

    I know this is probably late but this kind of kit really makes the game and the scenario pop, and plays to the strengths of con slots imo. Let me know if you have Qs.

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