5 thoughts on “Stras Acimovic- There was no mention of Band of Blades in the recent update from John.”

  1. I listed the stretch goals that are currently in development. Stras is working on others now (Scum & Villainy, for one).

    There are no secret messages in my updates. If something actually gets canceled, I’ll tell you. But I don’t expect that to happen.

  2. I’m not twitchy about Jhereg any more. Now I want someone other than me to do TunFaire from the Garret Files. But carry on, we’re all getting more than we can ever actually play.

  3. It’s totally happening. 🙂 Have no fear. Still very much in the works.

    Fun update: John actually has me reading design books and is coaching me so I can lay out some of these myself 😉

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