


Hey all! My usual playtest group is off on various vacations this thursday, so I’ve got a slot open I could run Glow in the Dark (a post-apocalyptic Blades hack inspired by Mad Max, Fallout, and Gamma World) for people who were interested.

Thursday, 11/10, 9pm eastern. Probably 2 hours unless everyone is cool with going a little longer. My thoughts are to do crew/character creation and leave things open to schedule a second session to do a score/downtime. We may be quick, though, and get to the score the first session. We’ll play it by ear.

Mark Cleveland Massengale

9 thoughts on “#glowinthedarkrpg”

  1. Cool! Aaron Berger , Steve Moore, and Evan Saft thanks for taking the time to help playtest. I had promised Mark Cleveland Massengale a slot as well and I think that’ll be a good group.

    I am used to running over Hangouts with DiceStream; if that has historically been a problem for you we can hash out tech concerns here prior to the date hopefully and either fix them or find an alternative.

    Hack-wise, I’m tweaking the XP triggers and just about have those ready for a run of v2 playbooks. I’ll post here as well.

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