Actual Play Report

Actual Play Report

Actual Play Report

The Devil’s Bargain Crew, now with Red Eyes, Nero, Pilgrim, and a new member, Trick the spider, get together to take some of the waterways from The Fog Hounds in an attempt to establish a good trading route.

They spend some time scouting out the canals because a local contact let loose that they’re usually spotted there. A successful survey lets the crew plan an assault on one of their hideouts. Unfortunately, things take a turn for the worse when they realized that their idea of assaulting the place completely quietly is foiled by two members spotting them before they could get close enough to their sewer drop location. Red Eyes scores direct head shots on the two before they could alert those inside. What ensues next is a skirmish to the death, with three Fog Hounds dying before the last few try to escape. Pilgrim tries his best, but accidentally lets one escape through a hidden exit.

With all of the noise going down in the sewer-ways, a couple Bluecoats attempt to investigate the scene before getting ambushed and lethally silenced. The crew dumps all of the bodies and lets them float down the canal before hightailing it out of there.


Moderate coin with a Claim on Turf. 1 Rep.


A shadow demon takes notice of Pilgrim, the lurk, and offers him a blade that can strike at ghosts in exchange for a future favor. He takes the bargain, without asking for advice with their demon consorting Whisper.

Special News

Fog Hounds go from -1 to -3. Welcome to war boys.

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