I am new to GMin’g Blades I have an upcoming game that will have up to seven people playing……. Does this group have any suggestions on how to best make this work?
I am new to GMin’g Blades I have an upcoming game that will have up to seven people playing.
I am new to GMin’g Blades I have an upcoming game that will have up to seven people playing.
The short, and unfortunate answer is, don’t. Play with 4-5 (including a GM). More than that and it’s difficult to shine the spotlight on players. It throws off the stress economy. It makes it hard to keep everyone invested.
I would recommend a different game, perhaps Dungeon Crawl Classics for a larger group.
Separate the groups, then bounce back and forth. Give the first an obstacle, then the second, then go back to the first with a “What do you want to do?” have The Conversation, roll them dice, then let them move on to the next obstacle. Then switch to the other group.
They’ll have a bigger pool of Stress, so don’t be shy about mentioning Harm as a consequence. If they don’t succeed, there’s always Resisting.
Thanks gents!
I think I will plan the first session to be the starter presented in the book and after that run two heists at the same time.
I have used that method before Arne but with different games…at least with Blades it procedurally sets it up to work nicely.
Double up on consequences. The big thing with having a large group is a stress economy scewed in the players favour. Doubling up means they spend stress resisting multiple consequences.
Obviously don’t do this every roll but it’s good to get them to sweat a bit.
Also extend the play time so everyone gets a chance to shine!