Question regarding downtime in Scum and Villainy: How is travel intended to work during downtime?

Question regarding downtime in Scum and Villainy: How is travel intended to work during downtime?

Question regarding downtime in Scum and Villainy: How is travel intended to work during downtime? Can the crew fly around limitlessly and get the best downtime bonuses for different activities from different planets (and systems), or are they “locked” to a specific planet or system determined during, say, payoff?

2 thoughts on “Question regarding downtime in Scum and Villainy: How is travel intended to work during downtime?”

  1. I lock them into the system at minimum and usually the planet. I also know people who give them free-reign across a system. The whole sector is too far for me though, and I think it messes with a good number of rules.

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