SO, in Scum and Villainy we have 3 ship types.

SO, in Scum and Villainy we have 3 ship types.

SO, in Scum and Villainy we have 3 ship types. The smuggler/blockade runner, the bounty hunter/extraction specialists, and the rebels.

I just finished Embers of War by Gareth L. Powell, and the novel could easily fit within S&V, but their ship is part of a well-regarded organization called the House of Reclamation. The House field ships to help ships in trouble – whether adrift in space or sinking on a water world surrounded by hostile ocean life. They are a search and rescue organization, but folks there often join because they wanted to something good with their lives in a world recently at war. Many of those who join the house are running from something, or have lost everything.

So, you COULD do something like that with the current ships, but you could possibly soften the focus and make it less specific in order to create a space EMT with shades of salvage oriented ship.

I’m hoping to run S&V soon, but haven’t played it as yet. Does this sound like a possible alt. 4th ship type?

5 thoughts on “SO, in Scum and Villainy we have 3 ship types.”

  1. Yeah. I figure your ship choices should give you an array of options to swing along a spectrum from selfless rescue folks to more mercenary scavengers/rescuers for hire?

  2. That sounds like a great idea, and S&V certainly has a shortage of ship types.

    But if I wanted to get a campaign started, I would reskin the Cerberus, swapping Brig for a Medical Bay?

  3. Kai Poh You certainly could. I want to attempt a new ship design once I have a few sessions under my belt, but I have some ideas that would let it be a bit more interesting than a ship reskin with minor swaps. We’ll see how it goes!

  4. So that’s three alternate ship types that we could hack for this game:

    1) Rescue/salvage ship (Embers of War)

    2) Explorer/archaeologist ship (Prometheus, no, really, don’t look at me funny)

    3) Merc/rebel fighter squadron (Rogue Squadron et al)

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