A NOCTURNE — progress update

A NOCTURNE — progress update

A NOCTURNE — progress update

Below you can see some art for the facing pages before the descriptions of the playbooks in A NOCTURNE, my FitD game about transhuman space bastards. This one’s for the Forgotten.

As you can probably tell, I’m going to be leaning even harder into the creepy far future transhuman horror and malaise for v0.9: making the character’s physical bodies even more fluid and disposable, making the default cluster weirder, and bringing in even more ghastly factions, as well as taking into account all the wonderful, constructive feedback I’ve been getting so far for v0.8 (keep it coming!).

I’m properly starting work on v0.9 tomorrow, and will be play-testing thoroughly as I go. No solid date on its completion just yet, but I’ll keep y’all posted!

In the meantime, as usual, you can find the current version of A NOCTURNE’s play-test documents on itch: https://thysane.itch.io/a-nocturne-play-test

9 thoughts on “A NOCTURNE — progress update”

  1. Evan Buchholz It’s probably gonna be another week or two at least before v0.9 is ready to go up, but there’s enough small stuff changing/being added that it might be good to start fresh with v0.9. However, feel free to start away with v0.8 if you and your group are raring go!

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