Just finished my second round of playtesting for Fangs, Plague, and Gunpowder! The major takeaways:

Just finished my second round of playtesting for Fangs, Plague, and Gunpowder! The major takeaways:

Just finished my second round of playtesting for Fangs, Plague, and Gunpowder! The major takeaways:

* I think I have it to a place where people can make their characters fit into the world with about a page worth of star-wars style scroll read by the GM and a 2-page reference. Those resources need to be folded into the main game document.

* Oops the character sheets got super messed up in the PDF export! Gotta… figure that out, I guess.

* A brief write-up of variant rules for 4 hr one-shots would be worth writing.

* I need to resist the temptation to add a mechanic to a game that’s already working well, but gosh I’d like to work in something like Tier to give the GM/Players a yardstick for making judgement calls.

Hoping to have an update to put some polish on all this in the next few days. After that it’s “just” getting the art and layout sorted!
