I just got done reading the 1.5b rules for Blades Against Darkness and love it but I could use some inspiration for…

I just got done reading the 1.5b rules for Blades Against Darkness and love it but I could use some inspiration for…

I just got done reading the 1.5b rules for Blades Against Darkness and love it but I could use some inspiration for a one shot I want to run at some point in the near future. Anyone care to recommend any good books or TV shows to loot for ideas?


11 thoughts on “I just got done reading the 1.5b rules for Blades Against Darkness and love it but I could use some inspiration for…”

  1. Thanks for the recommendations! Very useful. I’m reading Black Company now, loving it already. Taboo also looks like a very interesting show, looking forward to it.

  2. I think someone has said something similar about every one of the

    playbooks. šŸ˜

    It’s a beta and needs work. I’ve got a lot of “to do’s” set up for all of

    the playbooks.

    What are your biggest concerns? I’ll add them to my list.

  3. No concerns really. šŸ™‚ I like the way the Chosen can spend his favor. It just seems very powerful, having 3-5 free pushes.. But I don’t know, if I’d really want to change it. Because it’s awesome and I somehow like the mechanical “flavor”

    But the other Playbooks don’t really give me that “Uhhh, awesome”-moment (at least compared with the Chosen).

  4. Yeah all the playbooks are getting a lot of work right now. The next

    iteration will have some pretty significant changes for everyone.

    Thanks for taking a look! Iā€™m always interested in feedback. You can find

    me here or @mummylaundering.

  5. Looking forward to seeing the new playbooks! I’m hoping to run a one shot of this in early August for some friends. Love the setting. Keep up the great work.

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