My group and I came up with a small addition for Blades that in just one session has already made things way more…

My group and I came up with a small addition for Blades that in just one session has already made things way more…

My group and I came up with a small addition for Blades that in just one session has already made things way more interesting. In engagement roll section, one of the questions is “Is there a rival or enemy interfering? -1d” In an effort to encourage players to bring in their rivals to cause problems, we have added an XP trigger similar to the desperate action trigger, that grants one XP if you allow a rival to interfere in the score. Its a small addition, but it gives the players a chance to bring in parts of their characters that in my experience dont get seen very often.

7 thoughts on “My group and I came up with a small addition for Blades that in just one session has already made things way more…”

  1. It definitely can do depending on how you read the XP triggers, but this is a really nice way of foregrounding a character’s social connections earlier. I like it!

  2. wyrd word Yeah it could. But this is my way of explicitly encouraging players to suggest that their rival interferes. And since only one rival needs to interfere to get the -1d, if one rival interferes everyone gets up. That’s how we played it this session anyway.

  3. Mixed feelings. It’s a conflict of interest, unless you’re a power bottom. Which is to say: I think players will be more interested in taking Devil’s Bargains to get plus 1d (rather than minus, and some XP).

    Also, it seems to encourage inventing fictional connections – which can be a mixed bag in itself.

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