Quick question(s): During downtime, does it cost an activity for one PC to accompany another on an activity?

Quick question(s): During downtime, does it cost an activity for one PC to accompany another on an activity?

Quick question(s): During downtime, does it cost an activity for one PC to accompany another on an activity? Does a PC need to spend a downtime action to engage in teamwork, like assist and set up actions?

Thanks in advance.

10 thoughts on “Quick question(s): During downtime, does it cost an activity for one PC to accompany another on an activity?”

  1. You spend one downtime action if you do anything from the list. I dont think there is a downtime action where you even could teamwork roll, assist or set up. Thats more for free play stuff.

  2. Long-Term Project, Recover, and Reduce Heat are all action rolls, so these activities could theoretically gain the benefit of assistance. If another player wants their character to take stress during downtime, that is.

  3. To add, since assisting isn’t a downtime activity, I would say that no the assisting character who is willing to gain stress from doing so during downtime doesn’t have to take the same activity as the character they are assisting (and indeed might not even want to, since they might be using Indulge Vice themselves).

  4. Edward Dorner, Jr. No, Long-Term Project, Recover, and Reduce Heat are not action rolls. How do you get that they would be action rolls? They have neither position nor effect.

  5. Long-Term Project: “When you work on a long-term project (either a brand new one, or an already existing one), describe what your character does to advance the project clock, and roll one of your actions.” Action roll.

    Reduce Heat: “Say what your character does to reduce the heat level of the crew and make an action roll.” Action roll.

    You might think that Recover is a stretch since the words “action roll” aren’t included in the description, but what is included is “Recovery is like a long-term project. Your healer rolls (perhaps Tinker or Attune for a PC with a healing special ability or the quality level of an NPC) and then you mark a number of segments on your healing clock. 1-3: one segment, 4/5: two segments, 6: three segments, critical: five segments.”

    This uses the names of two specific actions in the description, and states that it’s like a long-term project, so I’m going to say again Action Roll (but I will also say that it’s only an Action Roll specifically if a PC with a healing special ability is doing the rolling).

    They certainly do have effect levels, which are stated clearly in their descriptions and based on the roll. Their position? Not so clearly stated, but no real consequences are involved other than roll-limited effect. If I had to guess, I’d say controlled.

    That’s my take on it, and I use that stance at my table. Whether anyone agrees with it or not is cool, but doesn’t change that.

  6. Thanks for the insight! I agree, the stress is probably a good enough payment. Downtime actions are a fairly valuable asset so forcing someone to burn one just to assist seems excessive. I also don’t see why someone wouldn’t be able to assist on these rolls. Even if they weren’t explicitly action rolls, the downtime rolls work more or less the same way so you can easily transplant the teamwork rules into those scenarios.

    I have PCs doing crafting and rituals during downtime and I’m pretty sure the question will come up during our game tonight, so it’s great to have an answer in advance!

  7. Honestly you could just ask the helper what they are doing to help and just GIVE an extra dice to the downtime rolls.

    You don’t really have to figure out the “cost” of this happening; the game won’t break and the players foster a sense of teamwork inside and outside of the game.

    If anything downtime rolls are more similar to fortune rolls than action rolls since “Downtime gives them a reprieve so they can catch their breath and relax a bit” – pg. 145

  8. Omari Brooks I like that one even better! My thought was that it should be possible to do some teamwork during downtime, whether supported by the framework of the rules as they are written, or just the GM saying “sure thing”. But just “no” doesn’t sound like a cool answer to me.

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