


Here’s a new update concerning my latest Blades -inspired game, Blood Red Blossoms. We’re steadily approaching a fully playable version of the game; it will initially be released through my Patreon, and made available on DriveThruRPG at a later time. However, I wanted you to catch a glimpse of the character sheets. They are supposed to be folded like a brochure 🙂

In case you want to know more, feel free to ask!

EDIT: if you want, you can already download the .pdf file for this character sheet here ->

6 thoughts on “Howdy!”

  1. [edited]

    I’m presently fascinated with your design choice for character creation. Take as compliment 🙂

    Question: players can choose to begin at any of three stages of life. I wonder if you might have an estimate or speculation on the distribution of choices (young, adult, elder)?

    Also, in your experience, will players of elder characters tend to do that to signify a shorter commitment to a campaign, or do those players tend to return to play another PC in that same campaign?

  2. Mark Cleveland Massengale I’m not even remotely close to having playtested the game enough to collect this kind of data, but most people I have played it with choose to be adults. I’ve had two young characters and one old character, and a total of five adults. Blood Red Blossoms is strongly episodic in nature, with each session being kinda like a 20-minutes anime episode, and assumes that players and their characters might come and go (however, each session played by a group causes everyone to grow older, not only the PCs who took part in it). This means that the game allows you to put as much commitment into it as you’d like, and that’s by design – BRB is the kind of rpg you can actually crack open and play in the same evening, and you’ll get a satisfying one-shot from it, with no forced/expected campaign commitment 😉

  3. thanks for the honesty. mostly adults seems to make sense, given the flexibility of that choice. It also reads-feels like the least loaded of the three skill/trait setups.

    And very interesting to hear the episodic part. I had an idea for a game with quicker episodic aging than most games – perhaps driven by nostalgia for Pendragon.

    follow-up: what’s the most petals a player earned before in a session? (I am imagining a session could contain a lot of “scenarios” now that I think about it.. possibly enough to grow older)

  4. Mark Cleveland Massengale up until now I’ve only playtested the previous iterations of BRB, in which PCs chose a starting age but were stuck with that for the rest of the campaign, and it just didn’t feel right. I strongly encourage keeping sessions limited to just one scenario, since years might pass between one scenario and the following – otherwise, journey blossoms for each age should have WAY more petals. Playing more than one scenario within a single session means players and GM should accept a lack of continuity between those scenarios.

    I also agree that adult PCs are the easier, more balanced choice (plus you get three traits of your own design).

    Also, when it comes to earning Rebellion at the end of each session, I expect it to vary widely within the group – some characters will often break the code, others will strictly follow it – but the GM’s responsibility is to never make that choice easy. In fact, one of the core principles when prepping and running a scenario is that true evil should often come from humans, not from the supernatural!

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