At the root of the crisis, you need three things from your leaders; applying consistent vision, demonstrating speedy…

At the root of the crisis, you need three things from your leaders; applying consistent vision, demonstrating speedy…

At the root of the crisis, you need three things from your leaders; applying consistent vision, demonstrating speedy reaction, and owning hard choices. That’s how the aristocrats held on to power back when the world ended; they served the people with their leadership abilities.

Now they offer none of these essentials. The city wallows, rudderless in the murk, bled dry by those in power. Should a proper crisis rise, the city will crack along its fault lines, and the tectonic masses left will reveal local leaders.

The current flood of Skovlanders into the city is building the tension and may well lead to the flash-point that shatters the city’s unity. An ironic outcome of the Unity War meant to weld Skovlan and Akoros together may yet be the fraying and dissolution of Doskvol.

From “War of Politics, Politics of War,” by Chen Roslith

2 thoughts on “At the root of the crisis, you need three things from your leaders; applying consistent vision, demonstrating speedy…”

  1. Hah! These are the chapter headers for the second Doskvol novel. Little snips to help the reader understand the world without wallowing in exposition.

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